Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7) - Page 39

It was my father.

"How's Drake? I understand they're going forward with his testimony tomorrow."

I sighed. "He's better physically, but this will be stressful. I'm so angry at the judge for not allowing Drake to give his testimony in private so he didn't have to go to court. They've done it before for other witnesses, but the judge wasn't sympathetic."

"I know the judge," my father said, an acid tone in his voice. "Hogan. A bit of a stickler and is especially by the books with any crimes involving sex."

"But the crime didn't involve sex. It was a straight-up murder of Derek so Lisa and Jones could live in his cabin and use his money."

"I know, sweetheart, but because of the BDSM angle, the forces of righteousness are out in droves, their side claiming this case as their own, using it to advance their own agenda."

"It makes me sick. You know that those who are the strongest opponents to this kind of thing often are fighting a battle in themselves and the issue allows them to feel better about their own weaknesses. You know, the pastor who rails against homosexual marriage and then is caught with a male prostitute..."

"I know that all too well, having presided over a few cases in my time. It's sad that this happens, but it does. I'm sure Drake will do fine at the trial. He's a pretty cool cucumber."

"He was just attacked and has a concussion. His reputation has been smeared and he's lost most of what he loves -- his job at NYP, his fellowship, his position on the board of his foundation and corporation..."

"Things will get back to normal. Give it time."

I sighed. Of course, he was right.

We then spoke about a trip to the Bahamas as a family. I really couldn't wait to get away from Manhattan's grey cloudy days and drizzle, and go somewhere with sunshine, white sand beaches and warm air.

"I want to go back to the British Colonial Hilton in Nassau so Drake and I can relive our first weekend together."

"The weekend you two broke up," he said, a smile in his voice. "Here I thought I was bringing you two young people together and I find out you broke up already. Believe me, I was kicking myself."

"You did the right thing. It was me who did the wrong thing by listening to Dawn and not talking to Drake about it."

"The important thing is that you two are together, and in love, and have a life together with a real future. This trial is temporary. Things will eventually come to a new normal."

"I hope so," I said.

He gave me an update on Heath and then we said goodbye.

I sat on the sofa and watched Sophie chattering away with her toys while I muted the news report. I needed something to divert my mind from the trial. I hadn't been at my studio for several days, not wanting to leave Drake to care for Sophie in case she was difficult and he was stressed following the preparation for the trial. I could call Karen Mills and see if she could come by, but hoped that Drake wouldn't mind. My canvas and paints were at the studio in Chelsea so I couldn't work on them at home.

I called Karen, but her phone went right to voice mail, so I left a message asking if she would be available later today to take Sophie to her place so Drake could have the afternoon to himself. We had a portable playpen with a soft cushioned bottom and it could double as a bed.

Then I waited for Drake to come home, my gut in a knot about how the questioning would go and whether Drake would be overly stressed about it. Drake's neurologist warned him not to do anything that caused too much stress or his blood pressure to rise too much. Of course, as a neurosurgeon, Drake already knew that, but apparently, the judge didn't care that the courtroom might be stressful. I felt like I was going to go crazy waiting to find out how things were going, so I texted Drake to check on him.

KATE: How are you? What are you doing?

DRAKE: I'm on my way to Lara's office to meet with her.

KATE: You never said you were going to Lara's. Isn't that too much stress? I'm worried about you.

DRAKE: I'm fine, my love. Don't worry about me. Lara just wants to go over the questions so we can be prepared.

KATE: That damn judge should have let you do this in private.

DRAKE: This will all be over tomorrow afternoon and we can forget about all of it. Think about Nassau.

KATE: Okay. How long will you be? Are you going to have lunch with Lara?

DRAKE: No. She has a lunch meeting. We're just meeting for fifteen minutes before.

KATE: Okay. I asked Karen Mills to take Sophie for a few hours this afternoon so I can go to the studio. I need to get out of the house because all I can do is think of the trial.

Tags: S.E. Lund Unrestrained Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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