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Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7)

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"This is a whole new case. The jury hasn't heard this testimony, or if they have read about it, they need to hear it again coming from you. You're a very believable witness, from what I saw of the videos of Lisa's earlier trial. Once the jury sees the evidence about Lisa and Jones, their plotting together to kill Richardson, they'll never trust

a word that comes out of her mouth about your relationship."

"I hope so. She's pretty charismatic."

"All sociopaths are. Or in her case, psychopaths."

"Do you think she's a psychopath?"

"I do," she said. "Psychopath, sociopath, however you define it, she's on the far end of the spectrum, willing to kill or have others kill to achieve her goals. She belongs behind bars and I have every confidence that a jury will want to keep her there for as long as possible. Her story about past abuse, and her claim that she was merely defending herself against a violent lover who was jealous are laughable on its face."

I shrugged, willing to let the expert draw conclusions about the win-ability of the case. I had no idea, having not followed criminal cases at all during my lifetime.

When we were finished, I shook her hand and she led me to the door to the office. "Take the back hallway. Meet your guy outside the rear entrance. There'll be reporters outside hoping to get a look at anyone from the case. Given Monroe's crazy family, who knows what you might face."

"Good idea," I said and took out my cell. "I'll text my security guy to take the car around back."

We said goodbye and I wandered down the hallways outside Canmore's offices and waited out back, peering through a window to watch and see when John arrived with the car. Finally assured that the coast was clear, I got into the car and we drove off. I was planning to go right home but on the way, I got a text from Lara.

LARA: Drake, come over and meet with me for a few minutes this morning when you're done with the ADA.

DRAKE: Sure. I was on my way home but I'll get my driver to swing by your office. What's up?

LARA: Just want to go over things before you go to the courthouse tomorrow.

DRAKE: Okay.

I put my cell away and told John to take me to Lara's offices for a last-minute meeting. We changed course, turning around towards her building, but before we got there, Kate texted me, wondering how things were going. I responded and let her know I was going to Lara's for a meeting, promising to return as soon as I could.

She wanted to go to her studio that afternoon, and had asked Karen Mills to come and pick up Sophia so I could rest all afternoon. I tried to tell her she didn't need Karen -- that I was fine and could care for Sophie on my own, but Kate seemed really determined so I gave in. To be honest, I was starting to feel a little tired, the first buzz of a headache starting, but I didn't want to renege on my meeting with Lara so I pushed on.

Part of me admonished myself for doing so -- if I had been my own patient, I'd give myself hell for trying to do too much. It was probably a good thing that Kate had asked Karen to take Sophie for the afternoon. Kate needed a break and some creative time to lose herself and forget the trial. I needed to sleep.

We arrived at Lara's building and I went inside, riding the elevator up to her floor and saying hello to the receptionist. She stood and led me right into the small boardroom down the hallway.

Lara was already inside, a couple of files opened on the table.

"Drake, there you are, you poor man," she said and came over to me, kissing my cheek and squeezing my shoulder. "You look a bit pasty. Are you sure you're feeling good enough to do this? We won't take long, I promise you."

"I'm fine," I said although I was feeling pretty rough. "What did you want to go over?"

"Have a seat," Lara said and pointed to the chairs. "Can I get Sarah to bring you some coffee or water?"

"No, that's fine," I said, impatient to get this meeting over. Then, I reconsidered. "Actually, can she bring me some water? I need to take a painkiller. I have a headache brewing."

"I'm sorry, Drake," Lara said, shaking her head. "We could have Skyped. I should have realized this would be too much."

"No, no," I said, holding my hand out. "I'll be fine. Just the water would be great."

"Okay," Lara said and used her cell, texting her staff about the water. "We'll be fifteen minutes, no more."

One of Lara's assistants came in and placed a bottle of water in front of me, a cup of coffee in front of Lara, then she closed the door behind her as she left Lara and I alone. I took out a few pills that I'd slipped into my jacket inner pocket, and drank down some water. Hopefully, they'd kick in within the hour and I'd head off a worse headache. I didn't want Kate worrying or changing her plans.

Lara and I went over my testimony, what Canmore and I discussed in our meeting earlier, and she coached me on how to frame my experiences in the BDSM community.

"You have to know that's all anyone will be able to focus on once it's been brought up. People will be curious and suspicious about it and what you like and why you became involved."

I nodded, for Lara and I had gone over this for the previous trial, but I supposed she was only trying to make sure I was as ready as I could be for this trial. She wanted to make sure that I phrased it right and didn't make myself look bad in the way I described my interest in bondage and dominance.

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