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Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7)

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When I was finished with my brownie and had inspected Jules's latest work, listening to him talk about its meaning, I said my goodbyes and made my way back to my studio space. Before I could close the door, I noticed that Jules had followed me and was standing there, a strange expression on his face.

"Yes?" I asked, suspecting he wanted to talk about the news reports on Drake.

Of course, I was right.

"Um, I just wanted to say that I saw that video of your husband and I wanted you to know you have my full support."

I made a face but tried to smile. "That's nice," I said. "Your support for what?"

"You know, for you standing by him and all. It must be hard to see that kind of thing on the internet and on the news. People don't understand and get all freaked out when it comes to anything different to do with sexuality. Americans are obsessed with sex but at the same time are prudes."

I smiled awkwardly, not sure what to say. "Thanks again," I said.

"If you ever want to talk, feel free. I'm a good listener and I don't judge."

I nodded. "I will."

Then, he finally turned and ambled back to the main studio space and his current sculpture.

I closed the door and turned to face the studio, glad that conversation was over. There's no way I could talk to Jules about my relationship with Drake, or about the trial and the video. No way. But it was nice of him to offer. He was a harmless guy who was pretty laid back about everything. I was sure he'd have some gem of new age wisdom to offer me if I did talk to him, but that wasn't going to happen. I couldn't even talk to my former best friend about it. Lara, yes. Anyone else, no.

In truth, I didn't really need to talk to anyone about it. I talked to Drake and was able to tell him the full truth and nothing but the truth. He knew everything about me, knew me inside and out, knew how my mind worked and anticipated my moods. There was nothing I couldn't say to him.

Well, except that I worried he'd never be happy again because of how his life had been ruined by Lisa and the trials.

He'd given up so much...

I would have to stay positive and not show any worry. I had to believe that given time, our lives would go back to normal and we could both be happy again. Problem was that I worried it might not be possible in Manhattan. The trial was too big a deal here and had been covered in all the papers and on the local news hour after hour. Drake's face had been plastered on every screen, his letters giggled over on gossip columns. He'd become well-enough known that reporters and paparazzi knew him on sight. Investors worried about his name on the banner of the foundation and corporation. The hospital worried about donors not giving if Drake was on faculty.

It was clear to me that things would never go back to normal for us. Who knew where we'd end up on this crazy ride of a life we had? I only knew I had to hold on to him as tight as I could and be there when we finally landed.

* * *

I left the studio around five thirty, pulling on my coat and boots and tying a scarf around my neck. The sky was getting dark and it had turned cold during the afternoon. In fact, I suspected it was cold enough to snow. That prospect filled me with dissatisfaction. The idea of spending another winter in Manhattan seemed unbearable at that moment. I was glad Drake and I had talked about the Bahamas.

I wanted to escape -- more than just the weather.

My cell dinged and I pulled it out of my pocket and checked.

DRAKE: Hey there. When are you coming back? I miss you…

KATE: How are you feeling? Did you sleep?

DRAKE: Like a log. I really needed a rest. Now, I'm ready to face whatever life throws at me.

KATE: I was just locking the door to my studio space. I'll be home as soon as John can drive me.

DRAKE: Good. I miss you.

KATE: I miss you. Sorry to leave you alone.

DRAKE: No, not at all. I needed a sleep. I just want you here in my arms. That's all.

KATE: That's all? That's what makes me happy. Being in your arms.

DRAKE: That makes me happy. See you soon.

KATE: Soon.

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