Matched - Page 19


The morning goes smoothly, from the time I wake up until the presentation at the Pentagon is over and Jon and I are in the car, driving back to the hotel. I was on point, and the general who organized the meeting was polite, interested, and encouraging, asking all the right questions and sounding extremely impressed with Pacifica's new HUD for combat.

Jon's super stoked on the drive back to the hotel, and I can almost feel his happiness while we sit in the back of the limo and watch the Washington scenery go by.

"What now?" he asks, almost twitching with energy. "I feel like celebrating."

"It's only noon," I say, infused with his excitement, but realizing that we can't celebrate. "Our flight leaves in three hours. We should pack up, check out and head to the airport. We can eat in the lounge there. They have great food. Plus champagne."

"Champagne it is." He looks over at me, his eyes softening. "You were great."

I smile, genuinely pleased that it went well. "I think they liked the presentation."

"You were great," he says again, taking my hand and squeezing it. I squeeze back and then, when he holds on a little too long, I gently slip my hand out of his and take out my cell.

It's not that I don't appreciate his show of affection. It's just that after the other night's kiss, it seems like he's getting a bit too touchy-feely with me.

He says nothing, but I can see him glance out the limo's window, his hand remaining on the seat between us. Now I feel like a bitch for taking my hand out of his first, but I don't want him to think we're just going to fall in bed and fuck out of convenience.

"We should party when we get back home."

I glance over. "I didn't sleep well, so I'll be taking the rest of the day off. We have the party at Marina's Saturday night. We can party then."

"That's right," he says and nods, rubbing his square, scruffy jaw. "She had me re-do that stupid questionnaire and wants to set me up with a perfect date."

"You should let her match you up," I say, knowing that Marina thinks Jon is a hard nut to crack. "If she can nail you, she can find a mate for anyone."

"Why would you say that?" he says, his voice sounding all insulted. I can't quite tell if he's being serious or joking.

"You're a confirmed bachelor. No one woman would ever be enough for you."

"What?" He sits up a bit, grinning at me, and now I know he's joking. "Me? No woman good enough for me?"

I laugh at the expression of mock-surprise on his face. "Yes, you. No one has ever broken your heart. We all know that you don't have one."

I wink at him but his face falls and the grin is gone.

"That's not true," he says softly. "My heart was broken."

I lean closer because maybe, for the first time since I've known him, I might learn something truly and deeply personal about him. Sure, I heard the story of how Dee broke his heart, sending him a 'Dear Jon' letter while he was deployed, but nothing more. He avoids talking about anything too personal.

"My heart was broken by Mary-Louise Stevens in third grade," he says, his grin returning. "I wanted to kiss her and she said no. Since then, no one's gotten close to my cold black heart because I ripped it out and threw it away."


"You’re a bastard, you know that?" I say and lightly punch his shoulder. He mock-grimaces and rubs his bicep. "Here I thought you were going to confess to me all about your broken heart.

He laughs out loud at that. "Never. Never let them see any weakness."

"Like you have a weakness."

"I have weaknesses. Several."

"What?" I say in disbelief. "You were a soldier. You do Iron Man competitions. You work like a machine. You put in ten- and twelve-hour days six days a week. You demand punctuality and total preparation on the part of your staff and you're even harder on yourself. You skydive. You base jump. You surf and snowboard. You don't smoke and you only drink when you party." I smile because even though I'm trying to give him a hard time, I actually do admire him. "You're just a top performer. I don't see any weaknesses. You even take your vitamins every day." I raise my eyebrows, because I'm always ribbing him about his concern for fitness and nutrition.

"I sound insufferable."

"You sound like a man with no weaknesses."

Tags: S.E. Lund Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024