Matched - Page 39

I see India leave her office.

"Hey," I call out. She keeps going, like she wants to pretend she didn’t hear me. She gets to the front entry before I catch up. "Where are you going?"

"Home," she says, turning after she gets to the front door, a sheepish expression on her face. "I'm taking the rest of the day off."

"You were going to leave without saying anything?"

"I usually do," she says. "Nothing's changed."

"Everything's changed, India," I reply, frowning. "I'm waiting for your answer."

"I'm waiting for yours as well," she says, her voice low. She glances down the hallway to Grant's office a few doors away. "In case you didn’t remember that this is a two-way thing."

"I already gave you my answer. I'm being patient with you, letting you take some time to say yes."

She takes her hand off the doorknob and gives me a stare. "You're obviously not taking this very seriously, if that's the case. This is serious. We can't fuck this up."

"We won't. We’ll do what's right."

She shakes her head and sighs audibly. "You're so sure about this?"

I step closer. "I've never been more sure of anything."

I bend down and kiss her and she lets me this time, offering no resistance.

Then Grant comes out into the hallway. When he sees us, he turns right back around and goes back into his office, a grin on his face.

"Crap," India says and pulls away from me. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay," I say and watch her leave.

Then I turn leave to get my lunch, wondering how I'll make it through the week.

Chapter 9


I arrive back home and flop down on the sofa, my channel changer in hand, and stare blankly at the television. I flip between channels, but nothing catches my interest. My mind is still going over my almost-sexual encounter with Jon.

What the hell have I done?

My cell dings and I check to see who's texting me.

It's Marina, of course. The very last person I want to talk to, considering.

Oh, God… What do I tell her about what happened? She'll absolutely kill me if she finds out that Jon and I almost got the dirty on.

MARINA: What's up, sug? Where are you? Why did you bail on Evan last night? You didn’t like him?

INDIA: He really wasn't my type.

MARINA: What do you mean? He's a perfect match for you, according to MATCHED. 100% match was the score.

INDIA: Are you sure you used the right questionnaire for me? He and I did not click at all. In fact, I couldn't wait to escape. He reminds me of my father, and not in a good way. I don't want my father. I want a hunky sexy man in my bed. Someone who knows what he wants and takes it. Confident. Alpha. Not Mr. Metrosexual Man Bun.

MARINA: Oh, you! You're just as bad as Jon. He skipped out on his date as well. What am I going to do with you two? I'll have to look down the list and see who’s next best. I’ll set up a date this Thursday. How's that sound? Do you prefer a dinner date or some other kind of event?

INDIA: Maybe we should lay off the date this week. Jon and I have a lot on our plates. We have another meeting at the Pentagon to prepare for.

Tags: S.E. Lund Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024