Matched - Page 84

INDIA: I have an interest in preserving my self-control and personal integrity, and I refuse to be manipulated by charlatans and snake oil salesmen.

There's a pause for a moment. I'm smiling to myself and I imagine Jon is smiling to himself as well.

JON: India, we have to talk. We have to work this out.

INDIA: I know. Can we meet for breakfast tomorrow and talk?

JON: We’ll be in public, fully clothed, and surrounded by people. That takes away my advantage. I was planning on coming over wearing a muscle shirt and shorts, with me freshly showered, so you're overwhelmed with lust and can't resist me.

I laugh out loud at that.

INDIA: You think a muscle shirt and shorts will work? I got news for you.

JON: It’s my evil plan.

INDIA: The best laid plans…

There's a pause and I know Jon wants me to either go to him or him to come to me. He wants us to be together tonight. He knows that if he gets alone with me, he can seduce me. It will be all the harder to resist him.

Why do I want to resist him?

INDIA: Jon, I already know you're great in bed. And out of bed. That's not the issue. You proving just how good you are as a lover isn’t going to help me decide.

JON: Decide what?

INDIA: Whether this thing between us is a good idea or a very very bad idea and should be nipped in the bud.

JON: I want to nip your buds.


JON: Okay, okay. Have it your way. We'll meet for breakfast and talk.

INDIA: Sounds good to me. Mulligan's? Around eight?

JON: See you then.

I put my cell down and smile, drinking my coffee and watching the ships in the harbor.

The next morning, I get up and shower, then dress for the day in my typical business suit and heels, my hair pulled back in a neat bun, minimal makeup on. I have a meeting today with some suppliers for a part we need for the drone prototype, so I want to look as professional as possible. When I arrive at Mulligan's, Jon is already there, mug of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other. He smiles when he sees me and stands when I get to the table, leaning over to pull out my chair. He kisses me, a friendly kiss. He never would have kissed me before all this happened.

We were just business partners and friends.

I sit, and the waitress comes right over to take my order. I get my usual omelet with bacon and a cup of coffee, then turn back to Jon, who's folded his paper and is waiting, his arms crossed on the table, his expression expectant.

"How are you this morning?"

"In public, fully clothed, surrounded by other people, and unmanipulable." I grin at him.

"You always were," he says, his eyes moving over my face. "No matter what I tried."

"Really?" I say, unable to keep from smiling back at him. "I thought you were just hitting on me the way you do every woman who gets close enough to your orbit."

He smiles and glances down at the table top. When he looks up again, the humor is gone from his eyes, and I think, Uh-oh. This is Jon being serious…

"India, this has been going on between us for five years. For five years, I've tried to indicate that I'm interested in you as more than a business partner, but you've always pushed me away."

"And our business partnership has flourished. Pacifica is very successful."

Tags: S.E. Lund Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024