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We finish our meal and after paying the bill, we walk out to our cars, which are parked close to each other.

Jon leans against my car, and pulls me against his body, his arms around my waist. I have no choice but to slip my arms around his neck. We stand there, like that, and press our foreheads together. He's smiling and so am I.

"I'm happy, India," he says. "Finally happy. Let's just be happy together."

We kiss, the kiss tender and sweet, but then he squeezes me more tightly and the kiss goes on and on. A thrill goes through me that we're doing this.

We're really going to give this a try.

"We have a meeting," Jon says when the kiss ends. "And a busy afternoon, but tonight? I want to cook supper for you at your place and I want to drive you crazy with lust and satisfy your needs. I'm going out of town tomorrow and won't be back until Monday. I want to spend the evening with you."

"You and the boys?" I say, remembering his plans to meet up with his buds from the Army and attend some security conference.

"We've been planning all year. I'm flying to Virginia on Saturday morning early and won't be back until Monday night. Until then, I want you. All of you."

"Okay." I smile, glancing in his eyes, which promise so much. "My mom's coming home today and I want to pop by and see her, but afterwards, that sounds perfect."

"It's a date."

I get in my car and he closes the door for me, then he watches as I drive off. I glance in my rear-view mirror and he waves, one hand in his pocket.

We both take our vehicles to the office, arriving within a few minutes of each other. Luckily, we have a lot of work to do and both of us are busy all day, in meetings and on conference calls. I barely have time to even think of Jon and being with him tonight, except when I go to the washroom and can sit for a moment in the silence.

Jon's coming over to cook for me and then we're going to fuck.

A little throb of anticipation tells me how much I'm looking forward to it.

I call it a day around six, and pop my head in to Jon's office. He's got a couple of people in with him and they turn when I open the door.

"I'm taking off now."

"Okay," he says, glancing up from an open file on his desk. "Say hello to your mom for me. Give her my best."

"See you later," I add.

I close the door and wonder if the staff in with Jon will realize that see you later was about tonight, or if they thought it was just me being friendly.

Knowing our staff, I suspect they'll think the former.

I drive to my parent's place and see that my mother has settled in to the house. She's lying on the sofa in the living room and my dad is picking something up from a local Indian Restaurant so he doesn't have to cook supper.

I sit beside my mother and tell her what happened between Jon and me and how I decided to just take a chance and be with him, even if he couldn’t say that word.

"You're not making him bend the knee?" she says jokingly.

I laugh. "No. I'm going to take him for what he is. We'll live dangerously. Whatever happens is whatever happens. I'll try to be brave."

"Good," she says and squeezes my hand. "He's a good boy. You know that."

"He is."

My dad returns and pops his head in the living room. "Am I interrupting?"

"No," I say and wave him in. "Mom and I were just talking about my decision to give Jon the benefit of the doubt."

"That's great," he says and comes over, squeezing my shoulder and kissing the top of my head. "I like him. You two are really good together. I have supper. Are you staying? There's enough for the three of us."

I stand up and grab my bag. "No, I have to go," I say, and go over to the sofa to kiss my mom goodbye. "Jon's coming over to cook me supper. Can you believe it?"

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