Matched - Page 103

MARINA: Have fun with your buds. I'm sure India is having fun with Blaine. He said he was going over to her place for a visit.

JON: He's going to India's place?

MARINA: Yeah, he said that's where he's going now.

JON: Okay. Talk later.

MARINA: Later.

I don't want to think Blaine returned to San Francisco because of India. If she truly isn't over him, she might be tempted to think things could work out between them. Marina seems pretty convinced that Blaine wants her back.

The bastard...

I sit in my chair at the desk in my hotel room and debate with myself whether to stay in Washington for the rest of the day and return home tomorrow as planned, or whether I should just catch the next flight out. Being out here while Blaine is t

here with India is going to drive me crazy.

I check out the available flights to San Francisco and decide to pack up and go back today. I know I wouldn't enjoy myself, thinking of India and not being able to be with her. It's probably stupid of me, but it's taken years for the two of us to get together. I don’t want to blow it by playing paintball with some old Army buddies I haven't seen for years when I should be with India.

I send a text to my buds indicating there's a personal emergency back in San Francisco that I have to deal with and I have to take a raincheck on the day. They send their regrets and hope that everything works out, without asking for any details. They'll have a great time without me anyway.

I quickly pack up and take an Uber to Dulles airport, go to the ticket counter at Virgin to get my ticket changed. I'm able to get a first-class ticket to San Francisco. There's a non-stop flight leaving in an hour so I'm good to go.

I sit in the lounge and wait for my flight, reading some news headlines and eating breakfast while I wait for my flight.

When it's just about time to leave, I send India a text, just to check in.

JON: Hey, how are you today?

There's no response and so I figure she's in the bathroom or maybe still asleep. It's only six a.m. back in San Francisco. While she's an early riser like me, she probably stayed up late last night with Marina watching movies.

I give up waiting and collect my bags and head to the departure gate when our flight is announced. I'm one of the first people on the flight and get set up in my seat, which is nice, a window seat. There's a screen and remote, plus ports for computers and phone charging. I'll be able to focus on work for five hours straight and keep my mind off India and what's happening with Blaine, and hopefully get up to speed on a few projects Pacifica's working on.

I don’t get a text from India during the flight and wonder what's up. The time passes slowly, but finally, our flight lands and we disembark and I catch a taxi to Pacifica's offices. It's now almost one o'clock and when I climb the stairs to the office, I expect to find someone there, but it’s not who I expected.

India and Blaine are in her office. The door's open, so it's not like they were trying to hide or anything, but I get a total shock to see him there, standing in front of her desk. She's sitting behind it, her laptop open.

When she sees me, she looks totally shocked. Of course, I didn't text her to let her know. I felt a bit stupid for coming back early because of my concerns.

"Jon," she says, frowning. "You're here."

"I am," I say and lean into her office, giving Blaine a nod when what I'd really like to do is punch his lights out. "I came back early. We've got that meeting on Tuesday with Baker and his group. I wanted to make sure I was prepared."

She nods, but the expression on her face suggests she doesn't believe my story, which I made up on the spot. I'm totally prepared for our meeting with Baker and his group. I've been ready for two weeks and India knows it.

"Hey, Blaine," I say and nod again in his direction. "What brings you to San Francisco?"

"Setting up an office just down the block, actually. I missed San Francisco."

"Are you moving back?"

He shakes his head. "Part time. I'll spend half my time here, half in Manhattan until things get set up."

"Cool. Good to see you." I point down the hall. " I got some work to do." I raise my eyebrows at India. "Come to my office when you’re free."

She nods and then turns to Blaine. "Blaine was just leaving."

"Don't leave on my account, if you two want to catch up." I don't mean it, of course, but I want to appear charitable even if I want to kick his ass down the stairs and out of the building.

Tags: S.E. Lund Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024