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Unbreakable (Unrestrained 4)

Page 62

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“I sent Maureen an email but she must have changed accounts.”

Chris glanced back in the room, and shook his head. “What’s the matter? Is something wrong with Drake?”

“No,” I said and wondered exactly how to frame my question. “I’m here on my own. Drake knows nothing about it. I wanted to ask Maureen if I could get a picture of Liam for Drake. I thought I could frame it and give it as a gift for Christmas. Liam wouldn’t have to know anything about it. Drake doesn’t know anything either or he would have said no, but I thought I’d ask.”

Chris looked exasperated, his eyes dark under a furrowed brow. “Maureen and I don’t want Drake involved in Liam’s life. I thought you understood that.”

“I do, and Drake does as well,?

? I said, “but I know that Drake would treasure a photograph of Liam. He saved Liam’s life.” I let that sink in for a moment. “The least you both could do is let him have a picture of his son.”

“Biological son, nothing more,” Chris said tersely. “I’m his father and have been since he was born.”

“Of course,” I said quickly. “And Drake knows that. He thinks you’re both great parents and has agreed not to try to become involved in Liam’s life. But still, a picture wouldn’t hurt. Liam doesn’t have to know anything about this.”

Chris exhaled loudly. “I’ll talk to Maureen, but I really think you’re imposing on our good nature to ask.”

“You didn’t hesitate to impose on Drake’s good nature when you needed a donor. This is the least you could do,” I said again, affronted that they were both so uncaring and unappreciative of what Drake had done.

“Go and wait there,” Chris said, pointing to the small waiting room off the nursing station. “I’ll talk to Maureen.”

I nodded and left, making my way back to the waiting room. I sat so I could watch the hallway and saw that Chris went back inside the room and then they both came out, their gowns still on. They stood outside the room and spoke together, leaning in close.

Maureen had her hands on her hips, and didn’t look at all pleased. Finally, she stomped down the hallway towards me while Chris went back into Liam’s room.

“I can’t believe you’re really here. You have a lot of nerve.”

That was all she said and then she stood and glared at me.

“I’m no threat,” I said, holding my hands up. “Drake doesn’t know I’m here. He has no interest in bothering you or Chris or Liam. I’m doing this for Drake so he has something to remember Liam by. Just a photo. I could take one with my iPhone and be gone in three minutes.”

“What am I going to tell Liam?”

I shook my head, trying to come up with something on the fly. “I don’t know—tell him that I’m a journalist writing articles about kids who have survived cancer.”

She shook her head and stared at me for a moment.

“Three minutes,” she said and turned on her heel. “And if you even dare come back and try to see Liam, I’ll call the police.”

I followed her down the hall and into the anteroom where I put on a gown and mask, before entering the room through a door.

Liam was sitting up on his bed, his Gameboy on the table. Chris stood when we entered.

“Liam, this lady is going to take a picture of you for a magazine article she’s writing on kids with cancer,” Maureen said. “Is that okay?”

“Sure.” Liam glanced at me and the resemblance to Drake hit me right in the gut. Those pale blue eyes and dark eyelashes… Drake’s son. Of that there was no doubt. It made my chest constrict.

“Hi, Liam,” I said and smiled at him. “I’m just going to take a quick picture and then I’ll be gone.”

I stood at the end of the bed and Maureen fussed with Liam’s pajama top and smoothed his hair, which had a rooster tail in it from lying down. I zoomed in the image and snapped a picture, then another and another just to be on the safe side.

“That’s all I need,” I said and smiled again. “I’m on my way.”

I tucked my phone away and left the room, returning to the anteroom to remove the gown and mask. Maureen followed me, but didn’t remove her gown or mask.

“He’s still sick and will always be fragile but I guess Drake can tell you about that. Please, tell Drake that just because I let you take a picture it doesn’t mean I want him to be in Liam’s life. Drake didn’t want children when we were together so he can’t expect me to be happy if he tries to insert himself into Liam’s life now.”

I turned to her, my anger getting the better of me. “Do you blame him for not wanting a family? He had no mother for most of his life. His father neglected him. He was raised by nannies and housekeepers.”

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