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Tinsel In A Tangle

Page 59

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“If it’s just the same to you, I’d rather not say. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.”

He understood, he just hoped that the person would keep their mouth shut. Having a replica made was a ballsy move. Having someone else involved wasn’t something he would’ve done.

He reached around her neck and removed the necklace. The gem looked pale and lifeless when it was no longer against her creamy skin.

“You should get dressed,” he said. It almost killed him to turn his back on her. He carried the necklace back to the display stand, arranged it and reattached the security cord so that it looked like it’d never been removed. He debated making the switch now, but hesitated.

He knew she wanted the diamond. He knew she deserved the diamond, but everything in him was telling him not to let her leave with the diamond. His gut churned. He trusted it to know that soon the shit was going to hit the fan. He didn’t want her anywhere near the necklace or the diamond when that happened.

When he turned around, Ana had her dress on again. Her back was toward him and she was trying to zip the dress up. He walked over and zipped it up, unable to keep himself from brushing his hand over her soft skin one last time.

“Thanks,” she said.

Their time was over.

He quickly re-dressed himself, stuffing the handkerchief and tie into his pants pockets, along with the fake stone. His phone started vibrating like crazy. He should’ve paid more attention to the pit in his stomach. It wasn’t just telling him that he had to keep Ana safe. It was warning of something worse.

“I told the jeweler I was sad Leonard would be selling the stone and wanted a replica for my own. Costume jewelry only.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes as she spoke. Her arms wrapped around her waist.

He picked up his suit jacket and draped it over her shoulders again. “That was a good idea.”

He pulled his phone out of his pocket. He hadn’t been out hacked. He was still the only one in control of museum security, but someone else knew they didn’t have it.

“I think it’s about time for you to go, Princess.”

She looked hurt for a moment but then quickly hid it with a sad smile.

“Thanks for everything, Jake.”

She stepped toward him and rose on her tiptoes to kiss him. He knew as soon as their lips touched that it’d be their last kiss. He tried to tell her with his mouth, his tongue, how much she meant to him.

“Well, well, well, isn’t this interesting?”

Jake’s gut had never failed him before. Why hadn’t he paid it more attention? Why hadn’t he gotten her out of here quicker? Hell, he should’ve insisted Ana leave hours ago. He held her tight when she would’ve stepped back at the sound of her cousin’s voice.

Jake showed only calm as he turned and looked at Leonard. On the inside fire burned in his gut. He fisted his hands behind Ana’s back as he held her. The police flanking Leonard were a surprise, but Jake showed no emotion.

“Leonard,” Jake said, forcing calm into his voice.

He pulled Ana closer, needing to feel her strength at the same time trying to communicate without words that everything would be okay. He’d make sure of it.

“Aren’t you two all cozy and comfortable,” Leonard sneered. He turned to the policeman next to him. “Make sure my necklace is there and all in one piece.”

The policeman rolled his eyes but walked over to the display and examined the necklace.

“Everything seems to be in order, Mr. Staffordshire.”

“Excuse me,” Ana said using the tone of voice her grandmother had drilled into her. “May I go get my shoes? They’re in the other room.”

Jake smiled. They still hadn’t found her discarded panties, either.

“Just so you’re aware, my weapon is in the other room as well. I’m licensed and it’s all legal,” Jake said.

Jake had never seen either of the policemen before, and he had little doubt at least one of these guys was being paid by someone other than the NYPD.

Jake had underestimated Leonard. He didn’t think Leonard had the guts to get in bed with crooked cops. Now Jake wondered how else he’d underestimated the lizard.

“Mike, take the young woman to get her shoes and bring Mr. Hoffman’s weapon back, too,” the older policeman said.

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