Getting Real - Page 96

“So if I kissed you, could you get me backstage?”

He shook his head, straightened up and pulled away. “No, for a kiss, I just tell you I can get you inside, then leave you waiting all night outside the stage door.”

She fought a laugh. “That’s not very nice.”

“That’s rock n roll, baby doll.”

“What about if I…” She dropped her eyes to his groin and then pressed her body against his.

Jake groaned on a grin. “That would get you backstage, baby. But nowhere near the band. See, you need a green room pass and they’re special.”

“So, if I let you—” she licked her top lip, dropped her voice to a whisper, “if I let you…” She hesitated and he knew what was coming and adored the way she was playing the tease. “Fuck me?”

“That would get you a green room pass—all the way, baby.” He folded one arm around her and scooped her closer.

He took her against the dark glass wall, no longer caring if anyone could see in. No longer conscious of any game or any care except pleasing her, and his own delight. He held her gaze and showed her love the only way she’d take it from him.

Despite the air-conditioning they were both slick with sweat when he moved them to the weight bench. She lowered herself onto him, giving him a breathless lap dance that ended with a bone rattling climax for both of them.

It wasn’t until they were dressing again that he noticed the security camera. Fuck. She followed his eyes and saw the dome shaped camera as well.

“Oh shit, Jake. We have to get that tape.”

He pulled her in for a last deep kiss. “I enjoyed our workout. You go order breakfast—I’ll go get the porn tape.”

She laughed and unlocked the two doors letting Jake out into the corridor.

When he located the security room, he braced for some fast talking. This could go a couple of ways. The cameras might record but the file might never be watched unless an incident required it, or someone might physically monitor the cameras real-time as part of a security detail. Jake prayed for the former but banked on the latter, especially given the increased security measures they’d taken since the Bolt from the Blue incident in Melbourne.

When the security officer opened the door and grinned at him, he knew Rand’s extra vigilance had cost him and Rielle their privacy.

“Yeah well, I guess you know why I’m here.”

“That was you in the gym?” said the door-opener.

What was a man to do? Jake grinned, gave a quick shrug.

“Mate, that girl was hot. Me and Carl, we’ve seen some things in the hotel over the years, but that was smokin’.” The door-opener grinned, stepping back so Jake could see Carl in front of a computer and a bank of screens.

Trying to keep it professional, despite the smile playing under a greying moustache, Carl said, “Is she a guest here? Does she know about the camera?”

“She saw it, same time as I did. You know I want the file.”

“Yeah, we figured.” Carl nodded. “Is she who we think she is?”

Jake was hoping Rielle’s gym girl look was going to keep this from getting more complicated. “Who do you think she is?”

“That singer. She asked for the key this morning. It doesn’t look like her but, we thought—”

“Not her,” said Jake, eyeballing Carl.

“So you say. How do we know for sure you aren’t going to set the lovely lady up, whoever she is, and post the file on some porno website?”

“How do I know you haven’t already done that and have Channel Nine on standby?” parried Jake.

Carl inclined his head. “Mate, you don’t.”

“What do you want?”

Tags: Ainslie Paton Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024