Damaged Goods - Page 19

“He’s taking you to La Nostra Tavola,” she said, almost like a question.

“Damn, home boy is out to impress. It’s one of the fanciest restaurants in the city,” I laughed, heading for my closet. Suddenly, I was nervous. I didn’t expect this to be anything but a distraction, but at the same time it was still meeting someone new.

The worst part was that I didn’t even fucking want to go on a date. Hell, the last real date I’d had was with Killian to some drive-in movie and burger place. I’d much rather a hookup. I wasn’t sure I didn’t want the Adrostos, but Dani was right. If I was questioning myself, then I needed to figure it out. Gah, can I back out now?

“Wear this red dress. I’ll do your hair and makeup,” Dani directed, pulling it out of the closet and throwing it at me before raiding my bathroom for supplies. Not one for modesty, at least not in front of her, I got undressed, tossing my clothes in the hamper before sliding on a lacy red bra and thong. They were the only ones that wouldn't leave horrible underwear lines.

“Sexy, sexy!” Dani catcalled as she came out, sliding the zipper the last few inches for me before forcing me in a chair she’d slid over. A towel was thrown around my shoulders before she became a whirlwind of makeup brushes, commands, and curls.

When she finally finished and took the towel away, I turned to the mirror and barely recognized myself. What was even more impressive was that she’d managed to cover the bruising on my face.

“Now, give me your phone so I can add in his info while you get whatever else you need. You’re meeting there,” she said, raising a brow as I slipped on a pair of black stilettos then tucked my Sig into my clutch, custom-made to be big enough to fit it comfortably.

“When do I have to be there?” I asked, tossing my phone to her and transferring my essentials to the new clutch.

“You should leave now,” she said, tossing my phone back, hers going off at the same time. She was taking way too long to just be adding a number, and the small quirk of her lips was undeniably suspicious.

“What did you do?” I asked, glancing at the screen, but the only change I noticed was a new contact for Lance, including a picture. At least he’s a cutie. He had a bright smile, his hair cut short and styled neatly. He was dressed a bit preppy for my usual tastes, but wasn’t that the point of tonight?

“Added his number,” she said, raising her eyebrows like I’d lost my mind. “Now, shoo.”

“Fine, but if this is a huge fail, you owe me booze,” I groaned, heading outside. My nerves were high as I checked the status of the uber Dani had ordered, but the night was quiet, not even the usual group of guys loitering out front while I waited. When the silver Charger pulled up, I checked the plates and climbed inside.

“Fancy date?” the driver asked. I nodded and looked out the window, not in the mood to make small talk. He took the hint and didn’t say anything else, easing back onto the road and heading for the restaurant.


“I’m going to go to her! This is so fucking stupid,” Keir yelled, slamming his fist onto his desk, the cherry wood groaning in protest. He had been itching to go get Sana, and I was nearly there myself.

“Honestly? I thought she’d cave by now,” I agreed, falling into my chair. “She’s as stubborn as a fucking mule.”

“I’m going to make her regret it,” Keir ground out, resting his head on his arms as he tried to calm himself down. Before Kill could chime in, all three of our phones pinged with a notification. In unison, we whipped our phones out faster than should be possible.

Sana: Don’t text back, this is Dani. Sending my number, then deleting these texts.

“Dani’s here?” Keir asked, confused. She was Sana’s cousin, but this was the first we’d heard of her being here. We hadn’t seen her since they left school, either. The five of us had been fairly close back then. Though she was social and had friends outside of us too, unlike Sana.

“Oh hell no,” Killian said, the venom in his tone making me shove the phone

back in front of my face.

Keir: What the fuck is going on?

Dani: Look, I know my cousin better than anyone, and she’s all fucked over you guys. I’m going to do you all a major favor and fix it. She’s going on a Tinder date with a total loser. La Nostra Tavola.

I let out a bark of laughter. Because of fucking course she’d end up at a Family restaurant. Well played, Dani.

Keir: You want me to not kill a man that will be all over my woman?

Dani: Murdering your citizens can’t look good, Keir. Because I know this is you.

Killian: Ha. You aren't wrong.

Dani: And there’s Kill.

Kyrell: I’ll keep him from murdering anyone in the middle of the restaurant. Did you have a plan?

Dani: Sabotage, of course. From afar. Don’t let her see you.

Tags: Jarica James Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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