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Highlander of My Heart (Mcardle Sisters of Courage 1)

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Sorrell turned a scowl on him. “That’s not for you to decide. You’ll take your orders from me.”

John swore beneath his breath. He had no choice but to do as she said, especially since he spotted Seth and James heading their way.

“Give me your hand. They’re headed straight for you,” he said, leaning over the edge of the roof.

Sorrell was quick to stretch out her hand once she was close enough on the rungs to reach it. She was a bit shocked when he took her hand and practically pulled her up along the remaining rungs of the ladder. His arm went around her waist when she drew near enough for him to reach it.

“You’ll stay by my side,” he ordered and this time she agreed with a nod.

Sorrell watched her brother and Seth walk toward the cottage. James caught sight of her first and when Seth saw her, his eyes nearly popped out of his head and he quickened his steps.

Seth MacCannish was a man of good features and of average height. He was a bit thick around the middle and he had thick arms and legs, and all were firm. He kept his long, bright red hair braided at the sides and his beard trimmed. He was a skilled warrior and he never shied away from a fight. But he enjoyed being in command and demanded far too much obedience from everyone to Sorrell’s way of thinking.

Seth stopped at the front of the cottage and looked at her with a deep scowl. “What are you doing up there. Get down immediately.”

“You’re not my husband yet, Seth MacCannish, you can’t tell me what to do,” Sorrell shouted at him.

His face flushed red, the color almost matching his beard, and he raised his fist, shaking it at John. “You’ll answer for letting her up there.”

“I don’t take orders from him or you,” Sorrell snapped.

“I’ll not tell you again, woman, get down from there,” Seth yelled up at her.

“And I’ll not tell you again, I don’t take orders from you,” Sorrell yelled back and stepped forward, shaking her fist at him.

John grabbed her around the waist. “Watch where you step.”

“Take your hands off my intended,” Seth warned with an angry shout.

“He’s keeping me safe, you fool,” Sorrell called out.

“That’s for me to do, not him,” Seth argued. “Now get down from there or I’ll come up and drag you down.”

Sorrell took a hasty step forward.

John tightened his hold around her waist and warned, “Don’t take another—”

John never got to finish. They went crashing through the roof together, landing in the narrow bed, that broke under their weight. John had made sure to take the brunt of the fall and Sorrell had wisely and quickly thrown her arms around his neck to remain tucked tightly against him.

The door swung open, pounding into the wall.

“Get your hands off my woman,” Seth yelled and lunged forward, his hand closing in a tight fist and his arm getting ready to swing.

John lifted Sorrell off himself and got to his feet.

Sorrell moved just as fast. She scrambled to her feet and put herself between the two men in a flash.

Seth had no time to slow his fist meant for John.

John yanked Sorrell out of the way, but it wasn’t fast enough to miss Seth’s meaty fist entirely. It grazed the top of her cheek and had enough power to send her reeling. John caught her in his arms as she collapsed against him.

“What the hell, Seth?” James shouted, giving the man a rough shove and rushing over to his sister.

Sorrell was stunned, pain radiated along the whole side of her face, and the only reason she remained on her feet was because John had hold of her. But as soon as her strength returned, she was going to launch herself at Seth and land a punch of her own to his nose.

“Don’t even think of it,” John warned with a whisper.

She glared up at him. How did he know what she was thinking? His next whisper settled it for her.

“I can see it in your eyes, their glaring an angry green.”

James’ fury grew when he saw the bruise already beginning to form around the corner of her eye and the top of her cheek. “I’ll get you back to the keep so Willow can tend you.” He reached out to take her from John.

“No,” she said quickly and winced. “John will take me.”

John didn’t give anyone a chance to object, he scooped her up in his arms.

“I’ll be carrying my intended, not you,” Seth said, blocking the open door.

“No, John will take me,” Sorrell all but commanded. “Now get out of our way.”

“Do as she says, Seth,” James ordered. “You’ve caused her enough pain today. And you’ll inform me of when you wish to visit with Sorrell the next time or you won’t be welcomed here. Now take your leave.”

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