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Highlander of My Heart (Mcardle Sisters of Courage 1)

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“It is done,” Seth claimed, stretching out his chest as if victory was at hand. “Lord Northwick sends warriors.”

“He can send all the warriors he wants. It changes nothing and as for your betrayal to our agreement,” —Tarass’s hand shot up to point an accusing finger at Seth— “I will see you pay for it.”

Seth took a step back, though he didn’t stand near Tarass. “Lord Northwick will have you bowing down to him.”

Tarass took a quick step at the man, causing Seth to stumble as he backed away.

“I bow to no man,” Tarass warned, sounding like a snarling beast who dared anyone to challenge him.

Though one seemed to challenge him—Thaw. His small continuous bark could be heard every time Tarass spoke.

“Shut that pup up,” Tarass commanded, turning toward the yelping pup. “Or I will.”

Sorrell turned ready to protect her sister and Thaw and was surprised to see Snow scoop Thaw up in her arms and take several steps forward.

“If you stopped ranting like a beast, then my pup would not need to bark,” Snow called out in anger.

John grabbed Sorrell’s arm when she went to stop Tarass from climbing the keep steps and approaching Snow. “Let her see to this. I will let no harm come to her.”

Thaw’s yelp turned to a growl that sounded mighty threatening for a little pup, and Sorrell wondered if her sister had chosen the right pup after all.

“Silence,” Tarass commanded the pup, but Thaw ignored him and continued growling.

“Silence him or I will,” Tarass warned again.

Snow tucked a growling Thaw under her arm and stuck her finger out to poke at Tarass’s chest. “Touch my pup and I will see you dead.”

Sorrell grinned at her sister’s courage.

James hurried over to the pair, but Tarass’s hand shot out to the side, warning him to stop, and he did, though he spoke up.

“The pup means no harm. Snow will take him into the keep,” James said.

“The pup and I both mean him harm if he dares lay a hand on Thaw,” Snow warned and jabbed at his chest again.

This time, however, Tarass grabbed her hand. “Silence the pup or do as James says or you will regret it, and never ever think you can speak to me like that or dare poke me. Blind or not, you will pay for it.”

Snow yanked her hand out of his, though she felt him release her. Otherwise, she would have never been able to free herself of his strong grip. That thought sent a slight tremble to her, but fearful as she might be, she would let no harm come to Thaw and she would not desert Sorrell.

She raised Thaw to place a kiss on his head, then spoke to him softly. “Quiet, Thaw, all is good. I am safe.”

The tiny pup yelped once, then licked her cheek and settled quietly against her chest.

Tarass turned away from her to glare at James. “You were right. No man would want her as a wife.”

Snow almost grabbed her chest, his words feeling as if he had thrust a dagger into her heart.

Willow stepped forward. “That was cruel and uncalled for.”

Tarass ignored Willow and looked to James once again. “Is there no Macardle daughter who knows how to hold her tongue?”

Sorrell rushed away from her husband before he could stop her and headed toward Tarass, calling out as she did, “We never hold our tongue when dealing with an arse.”

“The Macardle sister that caused all the trouble,” Tarass said.

Sorrell stopped in front of him, her hands planted on her hips. “That would be you, not me, with your foolish demands.”

He shook his head and again looked to James. “I’ve had enough of the three of them. Do you abide by our agreement or not?”

“Of course he does, you fool. You’ve given him no choice if James wants to keep our clan protected and well-fed for the coming winter,” Sorrell said.

“Good,” Tarass said, an angry glare marring his handsome features. “Then you’ll wed, with haste, the next man of my choice.”

Sorrell grinned up at him. “Afraid that’s not possible.”

Tarass crossed his arms over his chest, his patience near gone. “Why is that?”

“Sorrell is already wed… to me,” John said, coming up behind her.

A burst of laughter had everyone looking to Seth.

“So you wed the nobody that you’ve been poking.” Seth laughed again. “Now there’s a beneficial match for your clan.”

Tarass walked over to James. “Is this true?”

“Aye, they are wed and the marriage consummated.”

“Why did she wed him?” Tarass asked with a dismissive wave to John.

“Because she’s been poking him more than enough times that she’s probably carrying his bastard bairn,” Seth snickered.

John was about to turn, his hand already closed in a tight fist to deliver a forceful punch when the sudden consistent beat of a drum sounded.

All talk stopped and listened as the incessant beat continued. Even the village had gone quiet, no one moving except for those who shivered in fear. The solemn rhythm droned on and fear began to grow since often that type of drumbeat warned of a possible attack or the approach of a powerful clan.

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