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Highlander of My Heart (Mcardle Sisters of Courage 1)

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“A moment, Erland,” Ruddock called out.

“I’ll make certain to demonstrate my prowess to you later,” he said and lifted her off the desk.

“I’ll hold you to that,” she warned.

“Not to worry, you won’t need to,” Ruddock said with a grin.

Sorrell turned to leave, then quickly turned back around. “Now I remember, see your kisses do distract me. I got the sense that Slatter was a familiar name to you.”

“Aye,” Ruddock said and raised his arm. “Slatter was the man at the other end of this iron cuff.”

Chapter 28

Sorrell entered Lord Finn’s bedchamber, a tankard of hot cider in her hand. “How do you feel today, Da?”

“I see there’s no use in telling you not to call me that,” Finn said, his protest a weak one.

“I can’t stop myself. You reminded me of my da when you offered me words of comfort after the attack, and it feels only right to address you as such.”

“I suppose I can’t stop you,” Finn grumbled.

“No, you can’t,” she said with a smile, knowing full well he could. All he had to do was ban her from his bedchamber and not speak to her, but it was easy to see he enjoyed their visits. Something he would never admit to.

She placed the tankard on the small table beside the bed, then went to the window and drew the drapes back a bit, a concession they had agreed upon. However, he had refused to stop drinking the smelly brew Wilda continued to give him.

Sorrell wondered if she could be wrong about the brew since there were times Finn appeared more fit, but then he had his good and bad days.

She returned to the bedside and sat in the chair that was already waiting for her, a sign that he had been expecting her.”

“Things are remarkably different since the attack two weeks ago,” she said.

“How so?” Finn asked curious as he reached for the tankard.

“The villagers now smile at me and Ruddock and offer greetings. The warriors hold their heads up with pride at having such a brave and honorable leader. Many say how much Lord Ruddock is like Lord Finn… fearless.”

What she didn’t tell him was that most people had begun to question the possible falsehood of the accusations that Ruddock wasn’t Finn’s son.

Finn ignored her remark, though it remained in his thoughts as he asked, “How does Coyle do since his release from the stocks. Men like him need to be handled forcefully.”

“As soon as he was released, he not only spoke badly of Ruddock, he beat his wife again. It landed him back in the stocks and where before some sided with Coyle, this time no one cares if he is left there to rot.”

Sorrell had a feeling Finn knew full well what went on with his clan and within the castle grounds. Erland spent a couple of hours with him every day, no doubt keeping him apprised of everything.

“Have you learned your way around the keep?” Finn asked.

She had been detailing her exploration of the keep to him and was pleased with the advice he had offered her. “Enough of it. A few twists and turns still confuse me, but mostly I can find my way around. I meet with Erskine today to learn more about the workings of the keep.”

“It’s a good system that’s been established. Don’t go messing it up. There is far more to running a keep this size than you can handle alone. Erskine doesn’t even do it on his own. Various sections of the keep have been broken down into individual parts and someone runs each section and reports to him. You would be wise to let Erskine continue what he’s doing and report back to you. Any major changes or issues can be discussed between you both, and make sure you take rounds of the keep with Erskine at least once a month.”

“Ruddock told me his mum ran the keep on her own. How did she ever manage it?”

“Surprisingly with ease,” Finn said, fond memories bringing a smile to his face. “She’s the one who devised the system Erskine follows now. I placed him in the role when Alida became too ill to continue with the heavily responsible chore.”

“How did you come to choose him?”

“I had Erland choose, since I had no wont to do it with Alida being so ill. I have no regrets with his choice.”

“Regrets can be difficult to live with. You should speak with your son before it’s too late.”

“You tell me that every time you speak with me.”

“And you ignore me every time I do,” she reminded him.

“Do you know where your husband is at this moment?” Finn asked.

His sneer told Sorrell he knew and wasn’t pleased. “I know he’s not within the castle’s grounds, but where he’s gone I don’t know. However, I’ve no doubt you plan to tell me.”

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