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The Billionaire Who Bought Christmas

Page 62

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She was going to call him.

No. She was going to fly back to L.A., or to New York, or to wherever he was at the moment. She’d beg him for another chance. The clothes didn’t matter. The award didn’t matter. All she wanted was Jack.

She made her way off the stage, smiling, automatically responding to people with what she hoped was logic.

She found Zenia and hugged her tight. “How did you do it?”

Zenia drew back from her. “I didn’t. It was—”

“Do you have a cell phone?” Kristy interrupted.

“Sure.” Zenia produced a phone.

Kristy flipped it open. “I need a plane ticket. I want to go back to New York. Now. Tonight.”

Zenia glanced to a spot past Kristy’s ear. “Why?”

Kristy looked down at the phone. “It’s Jack. I need the number for the airline.”

“What about Jack?”

“I love him. I’m in love with him. Oh, Zenia, I never thought I’d say this, but I don’t care about the collection. I mean, I’m thrilled.” She hugged Zenia again. “And I’m so grateful you brought it. But it doesn’t matter. What’s the damn phone number of the airline?”

“It wasn’t me,” said Zenia.

Kristy blinked at her.

“It was Jack.”

“What was Jack?”

“Jack sent the collection from Vermont.”

Kristy’s heart stilled.

“About time I started to get a little credit,” said Jack from behind her.

Kristy whirled around in astonishment.

He grinned at her, looking gorgeous and sexy andhere. So here. He opened his arms, and she threw herself into them.

“How much did you hear?” she demanded.

“That you love me.”

Kristy was embarrassed, but she wasn’t about to take back the words now. “Eavesdropper,” she accused.

“Hell, yeah. It’s the only way I learn anything.” He winked at Zenia. “Come on,” he said to Kristy, taking her hand to lead her through the crowd.

“Where are we going?” Not that she cared. She glanced back to share a smile with Zenia.

“I want to show you something.” Jack led her from the backstage area, down a small hallway and past a man in a security blazer.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked.

“Just wait,” he answered, as they came out into a round, glassed-in room overlooking a rainswept garden and a group of lighted fountains.

“Hey,” said Kristy. “This reminds me of Vegas.”

“I know.” Jack cracked a self-satisfied smile.

Then he led her to a painted, wrought-iron chair that sat next to the window. With the raindrops splattering on the glass and concrete, he motioned for her to sit down.

She perched on the edge of the chair and crossed her legs, staring into his dark eyes. She loved him so much.

He took a breath. “It occurs to me—” he said, reaching into his jacket pocket and coming down on one knee.

Before the significance of the position could register with Kristy, he revealed a turquoise jewelry box and opened it to expose a huge solitaire diamond ring. “—that I may not have done this right the first time.”

Kristy’s eyes went wide, first staring at the ring, and then staring at Jack.

“Will you marry me, Kristy? Or at least be kind enough not to divorce me?” He quirked an unexpected grin, leaning closer. “Because I think I figured out what’s between us.”

She felt her own mouth stretch into a smile. “Yeah? Well it’s about time.”

“As I recall, you were having the same problem.”

“Ialready said it.”

He cocked his head. “That was only ten minutes ago. I bought a ring and flew all the way from Manchester.”

“Big whoop.”

“Is that a yes?”

“Yeah,” she told him. “That’s a yes.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight.

“Yours better be an ‘I love you.’”

He rose to his feet, drawing her with him. “Mine’s an ‘I love you,’” he rumbled. “Mine’s an ‘I love you so much.’”

He tightened his arms around her waist, and she leaned her cheek against his chest, reveling in the feel of his strong, solid body. She had to blink away a tear.

“I loved your clothes,” he rasped against her hair, cradling the back of her head with his palm. “I was so damn proud of you up there.”

“You brought me my clothes.” Part of her still couldn’t believe it had happened.

“Damn straight,” he said.

She pulled back to look at him. “But what changed your mind?”

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