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Shakedown (Souls Chapel Revenants MC 8)

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Hell, from the videos, he looked like he’d have a deep voice.

Not one of a girl.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Why the fuck do you traffic children and sell them to people that are near the border?” I countered. “If you answer me, I’ll answer you.”

Lynn had been beating around the bush when it came to his questions.

Well, I wasn’t Lynn.

I was a bulldozer, and I was tired of the fucking games.

“I-I don’t,” the governor lied.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t fuckin’ joke. Everything on this computer right here tells me otherwise.” I paused. “Why would you sign your initials to each check off? I mean, if you were wanting to be completely anonymous, you wouldn’t use your brother to do your dirty work so your manicure doesn’t get messed up. And you wouldn’t have initialed your own damn initials each time that you did your ‘quality control checks.’”

The governor’s mouth fell open.

I smiled at the look on his face.

“Gotcha,” I said to him. “Now, it’s in your best interest to tell me what’s going on. My fucking head hurts and I don’t have all day.”

Sander Bryan all but gulped.

“I…” He hesitated, his eyes going to the door where I’d come through not even moments before.

“They’re probably dead,” Lynn answered the question in Sander’s eyes. “Bruno is sharp. He wouldn’t have come in here without first clearing the rest of the house.”

Well, I hadn’t done that.

But mostly because I knew exactly how many people were in the house. Hunt had been able to ascertain that within the first few seconds of hacking into Bryan’s system.

But still. Semantics.

“I-I…” Bryan stuttered.

“Listen,” I brought the gun up to my temple and pressed the cool metal against the throbbing beat that felt like it was slowly breaking through the skin. “I don’t have all day.”

“My brother did it all!” Bryan admitted quickly. “I had nothing to do with it but funding it.”

“Nothing to do with it but funding it.” I shook my head, causing sparks to shoot up the length of my spine. “You don’t count that as having something to do with it?”

“I don’t know what’s being transferred. I thought it better not to know,” he lied.

I scoffed loudly. “You’re full of fuckin’ shit.”

“I’m not…” he tried to lie again, but I aimed the gun at him.

“Tell me all of it.”

The door opened that was at the side of the room, and I pulled my spare pistol out of the small of my back, whipping it in the direction of the opening door.

“Malcolm…” Sander Bryan started.

Malcolm took one look at both of us just as Lynn’s bullet pierced his chest.

Malcolm went down like a sack of grain.

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