“God,” I groaned as Brock’s firm fingers made circles on my scalp. Tension I didn’t even know I’d been carrying drained out of me. And all the while, Jessie and Kincade continued to work their magic on my feet.
I was wearing a tiny bikini. My legs were spread wide and held by two different men. A third loomed above me. Was I self-conscious? Was I worried about what I looked like?
Hell no.
Hell very, very no.
I was so relaxed I would probably be in danger of slipping under the water if the men hadn’t had hold of me.
“Where did you learn to do this?” I moaned when I regained control of my voice.
“Who?” Jessie asked.
“Any of you. Brock.”
It was Kincade who answered. “Scalp massages are Brock’s specialty.”
I managed to open one eye long enough to stare at him. “You mean he does this for you, too?”
Kincade laughed. Behind me, I felt the rumble of Brock’s deep laugh, too.
“No,” Kincade assured me. “We’ve shared a lot over the years, but not that. But I’ve seen him in action before. The people he does this for tend to have the same look on their face that you do.”
Which was probably very zoned out and unflattering, but I didn’t care.
Brock’s strong fingers worked their way down to my shoulders, and I let my head loll back as I closed my eyes again. But then Brock hissed in a quick breath, and I realized that I’d leaned my head against his groin.
I opened my eyes and looked into his. “Sorry,” I mouthed. He raised his eyebrows as he shook his head in a what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you way.
I had a few ideas about that.
The strongest contender was to stay in this hot tub forever. “Can you guys please never stop?” My voiced sounded dreamy, like a contented kitten, if kittens could speak.
“Sure,” Jessie said, rubbing his thumb over the ball of my foot.
“At least until the booze runs out,” Kincade said.
Brock didn’t answer, but his thumbs pressed expertly along the back of my head, and my head lolled back again. This time, he supported me before I could use his cock as a pillow again.
That thought made me giggle.
“What?” Jessie asked.
I couldn’t tell them that, but another, equally strange thought floated through my head and then out of my mouth. “I’m wearing the smallest swimsuit I ever have, showing more skin to you guys than I have to anyone in a hell of a long time… and you’re all touching body parts that would’ve been bare even if I were wearing a muumuu.”
I cocked an eye open to see how that strange statement had landed. Kincade was grinning, and Jessie looked a bit embarrassed.
“Trust me, we haven’t forgotten that you’re showing a lot of skin,” Kincade said. He gave my foot an extra squeeze.
“I’m glad you feel comfortable enough with us to do that,” Jessie said.
“Yeah,” Kincade agreed. “You have an amazing body. You shouldn’t hide it.”
Amazing. Yeah, right. Still, I supposed it was a good thing he thought so. I let my mind drift as Brock rubbed my temples. Jessie was cradling my foot, pressing gently now. Kincade made circles with his thumb on my heel.
It felt so damn good.
But then my eyes opened. I couldn’t quite get Kincade’s comment out of my mind. Not his opinion of my body—but the part where he said I shouldn’t hide it.
“Suppose I do have an amazing body,” I began.
“You do,” Kincade assured me.
He was missing the point, and I wasn’t sure I knew how to get through to him. “Let’s start there,” I said, and he looked at me quizzically. “Should every woman who has a good body not hide it, as you said?”
Kincade raised an eyebrow. “Why do I feel like yes is the wrong answer?”
“Because it is. Having a good body isn’t a reason to show it off. Nor is having a bad one a reason to hide it.”
“Isn’t that what I just said?” Kincade asked.
“No,” Brock said.
“If you have a good body, you should show it off,” I said, repeating Kincade’s point. “But why?”
Kincade thought a moment before answering. “Because you have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Okay, but does not being ashamed mean you have to parade around in revealing clothes?”
This time it was Jessie who answered. “Of course not.”
“A woman can choose what she wants to do,” Kincade said.
“She can,” I agreed. “Until some man tells her she should show off her body because it’s beautiful.”
“Ouch,” Kincade said. “I feel like I should apologize again, but I’m not quite sure why.”
“With you, it’s usually a safe bet,” Brock growled. He didn’t let up the wonderful stroking he was doing with his fingers, however.
“It’s about intent, isn’t it?” Jessie asked. “About the reason she’s showing off her body. Is it because she truly wants to? Or because she feels she has to, or it’s expected of her?”