Desired (Two Marks 2) - Page 31

I was quiet as I mentally compared. Cord and Nash were nothing like Chester, not in any way. “I wouldn’t call Cord and Nash pushy. They’re… eager.”

“They’re not golden retrievers,” she countered.

“Rottweilers,” I countered. Loyal. Protective. Gentle. But ruthless if needed. I’d seen them fight.

“You got it.” The bell over the door jingled and Bessie called, “Sit anywhere you—”

“I finally found you.”

My head whipped up at that voice. My heart leapt into my throat, and I stared at Chester. Panicked. Wide eyed.

“Chester,” I whispered. “What are you doing here?”

He wore tan slacks and a crisp button up. His hair was meticulously styled. I saw the sheen on his nails, meaning he’d had a manicure recently. Had his tan always looked so fake? After being with Cord and Nash, Chester seemed so… unmanly.

His shoulders stiffened. “I’m here for you, of course. Why else would I be in this Godforsaken town? Wyoming, babe?” He looked around as if he was slumming.

Bessie made a funny sound, then headed for the kitchen.

I was thankful for the counter between us. “I like it here.” I tipped my chin up, defending the place.

He took a step closer, set his hands on the worn laminate. “That’s great. I’m glad you’ve had your fun. It’s time to come home. Your mother’s been sick with worry.”

I was sure, with one of her migraines, which only gave her the excuse to drink more wine and get a refill on her pain pills.

“I’ll call her.”

“You’ll ride with me, and your father will have someone return your car.”

I shook my head. “No. I’m staying here.”

He tsked me. “We’re engaged. I told everyone you were overcome with emotion after you fled the party. They understood, the surprise was so great.”

He pulled a small black box from his pocket, flipped the lid open and pulled out a huge diamond. “You didn’t stay around for this.”

As if receiving a marquise cut diamond was going to change my mind. It was big and, while beautiful, completely not me.

I looked him in the eye. “We’re not engaged, Chester. I said no.”

“The photographer comes on Tuesday. They’re holding a spot in the paper for the announcement.”

I ran a hand over my hair, frustrated. This was why I’d left. But I wasn’t going to keep on running. It was time to put a stop to all this.

The diner door swung open and in stalked Cord and Nash. I had no idea where they’d been, but it had to have been close by. Bessie must have called them from the kitchen.

The relief that flooded through me made me smile. My heart beat for them. I realized it now, having my old life and my new life side by side.

Nash approached. “You okay, beautiful?”

Chester turned to look at Nash and had to tilt his chin up to meet his gaze. “Who the hell are you?”

Nash’s jaw clenched and his shoulders went back. I thought of the fight he had with Cord the day before, and didn’t want that now. It was one thing to break a dish or two, but I didn’t want a fight in Bessie’s diner because of me.

I didn’t think, only blurted the first thing that came to mind. The only thing that would put an end to Chester’s quest. “He’s my husband.”

Chester stilled. Nash froze. Cord stayed in the background, but close enough to get to Chester if needed. He set his thumbs in his front pockets, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bessie come out of the kitchen and then she stood beside me.

“Husband?” Chester sputtered. “Impossible.” His face flushed and a vein popped out in his temple. “This… cowboy?” He looked Nash over as if he were wondering where he’d been spawned.

I saw the brawny man with the Stetson, the focused intensity, and thought of his mad skills in the sack. Nash was all cowboy.

A lie would get Chester to go back to California and out of my life. Except I may have exaggerated what was between me, Nash and Cord. We’d had one night. I was sure neither of them expected my words to be real. I only needed Chester to leave, and then it wouldn’t matter. We’d laugh it off.

“Yes,” I said. “Married to this cowboy.”

“You’ve been gone three weeks, and you got married?” he sputtered.

I had been brought up to fake it as long as I kept a smile on my face. I plastered one on right now and relied on my upbringing to get me through this. “When it’s love at first sight, why wait?”

Nash turned his gaze away from Chester as if he wasn’t worth any more of his time, and studied me. Not like Chester had when he’d first come in, disgusted to see me in my cheap diner t-shirt and jeans. My hair, while neat, was pulled back in a simple ponytail. I had on a hint of makeup, but not my usual ‘full face’ I’d been expected to put on before leaving the house ever since ninth grade.

Tags: Renee Rose Two Marks Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024