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Oh, how they must have laughed at Clay when he would return from their two hours of less than passionate sex. Yeah, that was every man and woman’s favorite—to be the butt-ass end of a cruel and unforgivable joke. Did they believe that because he’d lost his sight, he’d lost all feelings as well? Too bad he hadn’t; his heart was firmly still inside his chest. In pieces.

The pieces part of his heart made him even madder. He knew he couldn’t make Clay hurt as badly as he hurt, but, by God, he wanted to try. He wanted him to feel just a sample of his shame and pain. “How’s it feel, Clay?” Indi asked again. “The darkness…not knowing who all is here, watching your humiliation? I feel it every damn day, Clay. I didn’t think it could get worse, but you managed to up the ante—to make my life as miserable as humanly possible. Well, guess what? It’s my turn now. You’re going to get a taste of what you’ve been dishing out to me.”

Clay snorted out a laugh. “So, you knew all along? I shouldn’t be surprised. You were always the smart one of the group.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Indi hissed. “This isn’t about me; it’s about you and all your lies. Let’s talk about those, shall we?”

Clay tugged against his restraints again. Whoever tied him had done a fuck-ass job. It hadn’t been Indi, that was for certain. “I have an idea, Indigo. Why don’t you say everything you need to get off your chest, and I’ll listen. After that, it’s my turn.”

Indi propped his feet up on the bed, making sure not to touch Clay in any way. “You really aren’t in a position to negotiate, Clay. We’ll do things my way. End of story.”

“But your way of doing things is running away. I thought you were a bigger man than that, Indi. I guess I was wrong.”





Indi had never seen that one coming. For some reason, unknown to the universe, Indi had thought Clay would be kind to him, beg him for forgiveness, or something else as totally stupid as those thoughts. Never once had he thought Clay would come out swinging by insulting his manhood. Game. On.

“I didn’t run away, Clay. I left. Period. I didn’t want to be part of whatever-the-fuck you guys are anymore. I mean, why would I want to be part of a group where lying and tricking people is an everyday part of your life. You suck, Clay. You and the rest of the team.” Indi jumped up. “How could you do that to me, Clay? I always knew you didn’t like me but to fucking lie about that? To get into my bed every week? How fucking sick are you?”

Clay remained silent.

“Do you have any idea how that made me feel? Knowing how you and the rest of the team must have laughed and laughed at me? I thought…I thought they were my friends!” Indi almost broke down and started crying, but managed to hold back the tears. “Why even come here? Just to mess with my head? To prank me once a week? To use and shame me?”

Clay remained silent.

“I hate you!” Indi screamed. “I hate everything about you!”

“Are you finished?” Clay asked calmly.

What Clay thought sounded calm sounded cold to Indi.

“Yes, I’m finished. Tell the team. I’m gone and I don’t want anyone following me. I don’t want people to pretend to care. Hell, I don’t want any of them to care. I’m nothing but a spot of history in their lives. Leave me in peace.” Indi had barely gotten the last sentence out when he heard Clay break his metal bed to free himself. He tried to run, but panicked, forgetting where he was, even standing in his own bedroom. He opened his mouth to yell for Sky, unsure if the dog would even attack Clay, but Clay’s huge hand covered his mouth before he could call for his service savior.

“Shhhh,” Clay whispered in Indi’s ear. “This doesn’t need to involve Sky.” Carefully, he pulled Indi’s backside against Clay’s chest and pulled him across the room. He shut the bedroom door and locked it, leaving Sky safely outside.

Indi could feel Clay’s cock against his ass. The man was rock hard. What? Clay got off on hurting him verbally? Fucking asshole. Furious, he bit down on Clay’s hand, hard enough that he tasted blood. “Get your fucking hands off me,” Indi hissed.

“Not until you’ve listened to my side of the story, Indi. That’s only fair, don’t you think?”

“I think there’s not been one fucking fair thing that’s happened in my fucking life since I met you! Get your hands off me!”

Clay released him but not before giving him a shove that was hard enough to send Indi sprawling across the bed. Clay’s body, much larger and fucking stronger, was on top of him as soon as his ass hit the mattress. Hands, big and strong, wrapped around his wrists and held them over his head, spread wide. Clay nestled his body against Indi until there was nothing Indi could do but open his legs and let Clay inside. This forceful side of Clay wasn’t something Indigo was used to—at least not in the bedroom. The only time he’d taken him roughly was on the kitchen table…and Indi had loved every minute. He pushed the visions aside.

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