Beyond the Game - Page 39

I will never get enough of this woman. Never.

Every touch feels as though it’s the first time I’m touching her. My mom used to tell me that finding love was just as important as doing what you love. I never understood what she meant until I met Paisley. I remember asking my mom how I would know. She used to tell me that you just know, and I thought she had lost her mind. I was sure my dad, who is better described as a sperm donor since he bailed on her when he found out she was pregnant, had her brainwashed or something. He doesn’t deserve her love, and as I got older and understood fully, I told her so. She said the heart wants what the heart wants. I still don’t understand how her heart could still want him.

My mom is one of the greatest people I know, and I wish she could find love and happiness again. Especially if this feeling that I have with Paisley is what she was telling me about my entire life. She needs this. Everyone needs to feel this… content.

“I need to feed you,” I say against her lips. What I don’t say is that unless she plans on being my meal, we need to slow the hell down.

“I want it all.” She laughs, falling back onto the bed.

“You shower first. I’ll order us some food.”

“Or, we could eat and then shower. Together.”

“Woman,” I growl. “You’re testing my patience.”

“Good.” Her smile lights up her face.

“I’m taking my time with you.”

“We have all night.” She smirks.

“You know what I mean. This is real to me.”

“It’s real to me too, Cameron. You think I offer myself to just anyone?”

“No.” I hold her stare. “But I want to do this right.”

“I’ve been sleeping in your arms for weeks. You refuse to sleep without me, yet you won’t have sex with me.”

“I want you, Paisley. Don’t ever question that. Fuck, baby, it’s hard for me to resist you, but I refuse to be like the assholes of your past who used you.”

“How is having sex with me when I’m offering myself to you, using me?”

“I don’t know how to explain myself here. I’m an athlete, not a poet.” I sit on the bed, offer her my hand, and pull her up so she’s sitting next to me. I place her hand over my hard-as-steel cock that’s beneath my sweats. “This is what you do to me. Just thinking about making love to you does this to me.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I want it to be special—our first time. I’ve never cared about that before, but with you, everything is different. I’m here for the series, not just the game. I don’t want it to be a quick fuck after a game. You’re worth more than that, P.”

She exhales loudly. “When you put it like that,” she says, leaning her head on my shoulder.

“I want you, Paisley. I’m with you for more than just a good time. I want all of you. I want our lives intertwined so we can’t differentiate what’s mine and what’s yours.”

“That’s a big claim for a couple who has only been dating for a few weeks.”

“When you know, you know.”

“So philosophical, Taylor,” she teases.

“I have my moments.” I kiss her softly. “I’m going to order us some food, and we’ll go from there.” Her eyes light up like she may be getting her way, but I’m sorry to tell her that I’m not budging on this one.

My cock is just as disappointed as she is, but it’s important we wait. What I feel for her is strong and more real than anything I’ve ever felt.

“I can’t eat another bite,” Paisley groans, pushing her plate away.

“Your plate is still half full,” I tease. “You said you wanted it all.”

“Next time, just ignore me when I say that.” She laughs.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024