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Maid for You (The Billionaire's Maid)

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Replacing the things onto his table, my furniture polish fell to the floor. In an attempt to catch it, I reach over and knock everything else on the floor. “Crap.” On my hands and knees, I am scrambling to pick everything up when I hear a curse and a growl behind me.

“Shit.” is the first grunt I hear. Can you freeze and burn alive at the same time? “Jesus.” My spine tingles and everything becomes blurry. I am hit with the smell that assaulted me upon entering this room, and parts of my body that have never yawned before are awake and screaming. I look over my shoulder and gasp at the most intimidating figure I have ever seen. The TV doesn’t do him justice. This man is potent. He is not only a giant, he is also gorgeous in a way that old Hollywood would be obsessed with.

“Get up.” he says, sticking his hands in his pocket. I scramble, embarrassment like a wormhole opening at my feet threatening to swallow me.

“I-I’m so sorry. I dropped the polish and then your frame fell over and then I reached for it and the clock fell and then…” the word vomit won’t stop even though I hear it and my mind is saying shut up the words keep spilling.

“That’s enough!” he shouts, shifting his feet. Oh God. I knew I was the wrong person to send here. “Were you done with your work?” I nod and swallow, fighting back the tears. “Good.” he turns, and I use it as my chance to escape. Gathering my bag, I run out of the room and out of the front door. There is no way I am going back there.

Chapter Four


Shit. Good going Blake. Fuck. I watch her ass run out the door before my feet catch up to my dick and I run after. As I am running it dawns on me, I don’t know her name. “Hey! Wait!” she runs like a wolf is chasing her and I suppose she is right. Considering how innocent and ripe she looks, I am the proverbial wolf.

The door slams as she runs out and I stop, knowing there is no use. Fucking moron. I turn to see Norah with her arms crossed, tapping her foot at me with an accusatory stance. “Can I help you?” I ask her, no time for her reprimands.

“Don’t get smart with me. You are not too old for me to put you over my knee.” she says, snapping her hand together and pointing in my face. I pinch my nose, frowning at her but I know better than to say anything back. I am a grown man, and I haven't been scared of anything since I was fourteen and took down Sammy Brooks in the lunchroom. But, Norah still scares the shit out of me.

She started off as my nanny when I was seven and she has followed me ever since. Norah Torrance was the first person to treat me as a kid, in both love and appropriate discipline. She began bringing her children with her when she would work in the summer. They were my first friends. See, my parents didn’t believe in socialization outside of the carefully chosen circle. They believed in extracurricular activities and being seen. My destiny was chosen before I was ever born. As a matter of fact, my best friend and Chief of Staff is her son William. He and I both tried to talk her into retirement, both of us willing to take care of her for the rest of her life, but she wouldn’t hear of it. In her mind, she has to be here to get me married so then she could work on her son.

“I’m sorry.” I say rightly chastised. “You didn’t by any chance catch her name, did you?” She gives me the side eye and I roll mine.

“Why? I have my eye on her for my boy.” my hackles rise. Over my dead body.


“Watch your tone, young man. What would you do with a sweet little thing like that? As it is you were here less than three minutes and got the poor girl running out crying. I don’t know where I went wrong with you?” she puts her hands on her hips before throwing them up in exasperation and walking back to the stove. She of course is right but fuck if I am going to concede her to my best friend. Hell no. That timid filly is mine. It's ok. In order to get in she has to pass the security desk and give her credentials. I will start with them.

“Good afternoon, Governor. How may we be of assistance?” the head of security addresses me.

“Cliff. The young woman that just ran out of here. Who is she?” he looks down at his clipboard then back at me.

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