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My Boss and His Friends (The Forbidden Fun)

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“Hello Sherry,” I say courteously. “How are you this evening? I’m so sorry for your loss. We’ll miss Jim tremendously.”

The older woman doesn’t miss a beat, her cheeks garishly rouged.

“I’m fabulous!” she purrs, her glass already almost empty. “This party is just to die for, and don’t worry about Jim. His last instruction to me was to find myself a younger man to make up for his absence now that he’s six feet in the ground,” she coos while batting her lashes flirtatiously. My smile stays in place, but internally, I’m disgusted. Sherry Oglesby is exactly not my type with her Tammy Faye Bakker make-up and over-the-top mannerisms, not to mention the way she talks about her elderly husband.

“Oh, where are my manners?” I say in a courteous tone. “Sherry, this is my assistant, Jessica Arroyo.”

The older woman shakes Jessica’s hand. “Sherry Oglesby. Why, aren’t you a pretty little thing? But us cougars know all the tricks, never fear. That’s what you like, don’t you, Burke?”

Sherry looks at me while licking her lips lasciviously, and know I need to get out of this situation fast. But I smile courteously once more while trying to deflect.

“Mrs. Oglesby, I believe a friend of yours is signaling to you,” I say, pointing to my buddy Vance. Sure enough, the handsome man is making pointed eye contact with Sherry, and to my amusement, the older woman literally looks like she’s going to faint from excitement.

“Yes indeed!” she exclaims. “My, my, you do throw the best parties Burke, just filled with gorgeous men. You young folks have a nice time because I’ve got to go find myself a date for the evening!”

With that, Sherry practically runs off and I have to keep myself from laughing. Vance must have sensed the danger to our plan, and put himself out there as bait for the predatory Mrs. Oglesby. He’ll be able to extricate himself from her claws when the time comes, no doubt. I’m not worried about him.

Meanwhile, I turn back to my curvy assistant.

“Sorry about that,” I say to Jessica, who looks a bit stunned from what just happened. Sure enough, Sherry’s now practically licking Vance’s cheek, she’s so eager to find a bed mate for the night. “Mrs. Oglesby’s really something, isn’t she? Now, where were we?”

Jessica’s attention snaps back, her brown eyes blinking.

“You were telling me about a bet that you’ve lost,” she says in a slightly stunned tone.

“Ah yes,” I drawl, as if I’d forgotten. Of course, this is my major play for the night, so no way have I forgotten. Instead, my friends and I are laser-focused on the outcome of this endeavor, with Jessica as our unwitting pawn.

I glance around for a moment to make sure no one’s watching, and then lean forward conversationally.

“The bet was with two of my friends, Sam and Vance. Have you met them yet? They’re buddies of mine from long ago.”

Jessica shakes her head, those brown curls tumbling over her shoulders.

“No, I’m sorry Mr. Carhart. I haven’t met them, but I’m happy to help any way I can with this bet.”

I nod with approval.

“Good because I lost to those fuckers, so I’ll need you to make a payment on my behalf.”

Jessica doesn’t bat an eye.

“Of course,” she says in a professional tone, already lifting her clipboard in order to take notes. “What can I do? Should I call the bank to make a wire transfer? Or we can arrange a physical check, or even cash if that’s preferred.”

I throw my head back and laugh.

“No, that’s not necessary because it’s not that kind of bet. Vance and Sam are already loaded anyways, so they don’t want my money.”

Jessica nods with some confusion then.

“Oh, of course. Well, let me know how I can help Mr. Carhart. I’m available.”

I nod.

“Why don’t we talk about this in private, sweetheart? You’ll understand the payment method better that way.”

Jessica bites her lip, looking unsure.

“But the party …”

I gesture expansively.

“Everything’s going fine. Trust me, we can step away for a short while and no one will notice. The guests are feasting on steak and lobster right now, so just give them some time to fill their stomachs.”

Jessica’s still biting her lip, but then she straightens and shoots me a brilliant smile. “Okay, of course Mr. Carhart.”

“Good girl,” I say.

No one notices us as we make our escape from the expansive ballroom. As we step into the hallway, Jessica looks at me for direction.

“This way, honey,” I growl, leading her to an elevator. Then, we step into the gold box as it whooshes up into the sky. When we exit, I lead her down an ornately decorated hallway to a set of white double doors.

“Come on in, sweetheart,” I invite, opening the door to a massive penthouse apartment. “Sam and Vance took the service elevator in back, so they’re already here.”

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