My Boss and His Friends (The Forbidden Fun) - Page 9

Jessica goes scarlet then.

“You mean, like a hooker?”

I lean back and laugh as if she’s just told the funniest joke ever.

“Not exactly, honey. I mean, we’re not going to make you stand on the street in a mini-skirt or any of that shit. Instead, let’s make a deal: how about fifty thousand each time you’re with us? That’s fifth thousand from all three of us,” I clarify. “So one hundred and fifty grand per session.”

Jessica stares at us again.

“You mean, six figures just for servicing the three of you once?” she squeaks.

“Yes,” Sam growls, his blue eyes flaring. “It’s worth it to us honey. You’re very lush, and you know that we’re wealthy men. That money is nothing but a pittance to us.”

Jessica’s eyes get so big that that resemble huge chocolate pools.

“You can’t be serious. That’s a lot of cash.”

But Burke merely stares at her, the muscles on his forearms tense with restraint. We all want to stroke her curves, but we want her to walk away from this encounter with something of her own too, and therefore it’s very important to modulate our approach.

“It is a lot of money, but you don’t need to worry, sweetheart,” he growls. “We can afford it. Plus, with that cash you’ll be able to pay off your student loans,” he says. “I think I overheard you saying something about that to your friend? Or you could bank the money, or even use it as a deposit for a house. Or even buy a house in cash, after a few sessions with us if it comes to that.”

She gasps then, her cheeks pink.

“A few sessions?” she manages in a strangled voice. “Really?”

I nod.

“After three sessions you’d have oh, about four hundred and fifty thousand? That’s enough for a nice house in Portland. Make it six sessions and you’ll be able to afford a four-bedroom,” I wink.

Jessica gasps and bites her lip. God, this woman is sexy, and it’s criminally unfair to the other women in the world just how gorgeous she is.

“A four bedroom?” she gasps. “I never even thought I could afford to buy, much less a huge mansion.”

Sam grins hungrily. “The world is your oyster, honey, once you come to play with us. Your curves are delectable, and if you allow yourself to be used as a toy, we’re willing to pay handsomely. It’s a lot to ask, but all I’m saying is to consider our offer: is this something you’d want, and perhaps even enjoy? Be honest with yourself, baby, that’s all we ask. You don’t have to tell us the answer now.”

Jessica swallows hard while staring and blinking in shock. I know what she sees: a trio of tall, handsome men, all of whom are eager to possess her. But then she straightens and looks us in the eye.

“I’ll consider it, but what was the original bet about?”

At this point, I’ve lost my train of thought because I’m eyeing that ripe figure so hungrily.


She shoots me a droll look.

“What was the bet? You know, the one that Burke lost. What was it about?”

I startle for a moment, trying to get my brain moving. Shit, all the blood’s drained to my cock and I don’t have two brain cells to rub together at this point.

“It’s nothing honey.”

She looks at us askance.

“Really? That bad?”

Burke steps in then. “Okay, okay, I admit it. I’ve been bragging about you, sweetheart, and talking about how hot you are. Sam and Vance bet that you weren’t that gorgeous, but in the end, I won.”

Jessica blinks. “Wait, that doesn’t make sense because if you won, then I wouldn’t be here then, right? Isn’t that backwards? If you lost, then I should be the prize for Sam and Vance.”

Oh shit, she’s smart and the situation’s going off the rails. As a result, I laugh quickly without directly answering her question. “Who the fuck cares about that bet? It was made when we were all drunk after a couple cocktails, so the details are admittedly blurry. But let’s stick to the issue at hand: you have three alpha males ready to pay you a pretty penny to sample your curves, Jessica. What’s your answer? Will you play with us, and let us touch, taste, and tease, or are we going back down to that boring dinner where we eat cardboard chicken and stale rice?”

She bites her lip and giggles.

“Hey, our caterers are really good! We’re having steak and lobster, not cardboard chicken!”

Sam merely growls, his eyes hungry.

“What will it be, sweetheart? We need an answer.”

Finally, Jessica looks us in the eye and then nods slightly.

“Is that a yes?” Sam rasps, ready to pounce. “Use your words, baby girl, because we need to be sure.”

Jessica nods her head imperceptibly, her cheeks flooding a beautiful shade of pink.

“Yes. I’m in for the bet,” she murmurs in confirmation.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024