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My Boss and His Friends (The Forbidden Fun)

Page 13

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I slap my forehead. “Oh shit, I forgot! Let me just grab them for you upstairs.”

My friend shakes her head.

“No worries, take your time.”

I sigh with relief. “Actually, let me just finish up here and I’ll meet you by the elevator. I’ll get them for you right away.”

With that, I finish my rounds and then with the mail securely tucked beneath one elbow, I meet Mindy at the elevators. She’s got a fresh cup of joe in one hand and I inhale deeply.

“OMG, I could use some caffeine.”

She grins.

“Damn, girl. Not that you look bad or anything, but did you have a long weekend or what?”

I blush.

“No, why do you ask? Did you have a big weekend?”

My buddy grins sassily.

“Honestly, not really. I sat on the couch most of the time and watched some stupid reality TV show. Those things are so addictive! I don’t even like it that much, but there’s one where people go on dates where they can’t see each other. It’s called Blind Dates, and it’s sooo ridiculous but I finished all five seasons in one day.”

I giggle.

“That explains why you need all the coffee. I’d be going blind if I watched five seasons in one sitting.”

My friend smirks. “Exactly. But that’s what the corporate world demands. Of course, I’ll be super jittery but at least I’ll be awake.”


The elevator arrives and we step in, the door closing behind us, giving us a bit of privacy. It’s then that Mindy turns to me, her expression curious.

“So where’d you disappear to on Friday night, Jess? I was starting to get worried about you when the boss dragged you off. Did something happen with Burke?”

“What do you mean?” I ask a bit too quickly.

She shrugs. “I saw you talking with him, and then both of you disappeared for a while. He came back in, but I didn’t see you for the rest of the night.”

I demur. “No, I was there! I was just running around the party like a chicken with its head cut off, that’s all. I had to make sure the caterers and the band were good to go, in addition to about a million other things.”

“Ah,” Mindy says knowingly, although I’m not sure she believes me. Fortunately, I’m saved because at that moment, the elevator doors open, and we make our way to my desk. I find the documents she needs, and hand them over.

“See?” I ask brightly. “Easy as pie.”

But my friend looks at me through narrowed eyes.

“You’re okay, right?” Mindy asks. “Nothing bad happened on Friday? The party was a success, Jess, so you don’t have to worry.”

I smile sheepishly. “Sorry, I think I’m just tired, that’s all. Planning that shindig took a lot out of me and I didn’t get much rest this weekend. I was too wired, you know?”

My friend nods.

“Of course, got it.” She looks like she’s going to say more, but then Burke’s door opens, essentially cutting off our conversation. His broad form looms over us as his deep voice rings out.

“Jessica, can I see you in my office?”

“Yes, of course, Mr. Carhart,” I reply in a dulcet tone. “I’ll be right there.” Meanwhile, Mindy slips away as I step into the grand space where Burke works. He’s got a huge oak desk in the center with an office chair behind it, and enormous floor to ceiling windows showing off the Manhattan skyline. There isn’t much else in the space, save for a chair in front of his desk for guests. My boss likes his décor clean and modern, almost too minimalist for my taste.

“Please have a seat,” he says courteously before closing the door.

My heart starts to pound in my chest. Have I done something wrong? Was Friday a test that I failed? Did someone complain about the party and now I’m going to be fired?

Expecting the worst, I wince as I take a seat, my bottom still smarting from the hard pounding of these men. Fortunately, Burke notices and he chuckles. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

I merely shift my weight uncomfortably again.

“Yes, of course. Why?”

One black brow arches.

“You seem a bit stiff, that’s all. Were we too hard on you last Friday?”

I blush. “No, it’s just … well, I’m not used to being with three men and being so used, you know?”

He chuckles.

“Of course not, honey. It takes a while to adapt, but you’re young and flexible, Jessica. I know you can do it. In the meantime, let me help you a bit.” Before I can protest, Burke stands and disappears into a private bathroom that adjoins his office. I hear water running in the sink, and then the handsome man emerges with a warm, damp washcloth in his hands.

“Mr. Carhart?” I ask while giving him an odd look. “Is something wrong?” But he merely shakes his head while striding over to kneel in front of me.

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