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My Boss and His Friends (The Forbidden Fun)

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My eyes flicker up to him.

“Is it about the party?”

He shakes his head, those handsome features amused.

“No. The party was wonderful, sweetheart, and you exceeded my wildest expectations. But Vance, Sam, and I spoke over the weekend, and we’d like you to have dinner with us tonight. That is, if you’re interested of course.”

Immediately, my heart starts racing.

“Um, really? Do you mean a real dinner with food, or do you mean another hot session?”

Burke lets out an amused laugh, his blue eyes glinting.

“Dinner with food, sweetheart. We’re not just about sex, you know,” he adds drolly. “We have brains and personalities, I’ll have you know.” I blush hotly again.

“No, I didn’t mean …! Okay,” I whisper while blushing. “I’m in then.”

The CEO smirks with amusement.

“Perfect. We’ll pick you up at seven tonight? Wear something sexy, sweetheart, because we’re visual men.”

With that, I snort and my boss chuckles once more. After all, Burke and I know each other well, and I absolutely call him out on his shit at the appropriate moment. But tonight’s the start of a new chapter, and something tells me that our relationship has changed forever. I can feel that he has a proposition for me, and that his friends want in as well. But will I agree? After all, money’s not everything in life, and only three specific tools can satisfy my desperate urges.



* * *

I don a cocktail dress for the second time in less than a week. It’s odd because usually I only have two outfits: corporate (for work) and casual (for weekend). But being with Mr. Carhart has expanded my wardrobe needs, and I survey myself carefully in the mirror. The violet cocktail dress is demure but very sexy at the same time. The low-cut neckline shows off my ample cleavage, and the fabric clings to my curves, making me resemble Jessica Rabbit but in a good, not trashy, way. Purple heels finish the outfit and I grab a black evening bag for good measure, stashing my lipstick and phone inside.

Sam comes to pick me up in a fancy sports car and I marvel as I slip into the low slung passenger seat.

“Wow,” I say, breathing deep of the new-car leather smell. “This is nice.”

He grins.

“It’s not as beautiful as you, baby. Now buckle-up because Burke and Vance are going to meet us at the restaurant. You ready?”

I nod and with that, we take off down the streets of Portland. Within fifteen minutes, we pull up at La Taverna, one of the nicest dining establishments in our city. The food is rustic Greek, but the interior is anything but rustic. It’s elaborate and refined, with indoor trellises bursting with blooms, flickering candlelight, and white tablecloths.

“Hi honey,” Burke growls, standing as we approach the table. He kisses my cheek in greeting, and Vance does the same.

“You look gorgeous,” the alpha male compliments, his blue eyes roving over my form. “Here you go, sweetheart. Take a seat.”

Giggling, I lower myself into a modernist chair as the three men surround me on all sides.

“So how was the ride here?” Burke says in an amused tone. “I see you’re in one piece so I take it Sam didn’t crash into anything?”

Sam immediately growls.

“Of course not. I have zero points on my driver’s license, I’ll have you know.”

“Plus, his cargo is far too precious to risk,” adds Vance in a low tone, taking my hand in his. “How are you tonight, honey?”

I smile shyly.

“I’m good. Thank you for inviting me to La Taverna. This is such a nice restaurant!” At that moment, our waiter appears bearing menus and I study mine with a slight grimace.

“Oh, I’ll just take the Greek salad,” I say quickly. “Without feta, please.”

Immediately, all three men frown at me.

“What? No, baby, you have to eat more than a salad,” begins Vance.

“How will you have energy surviving only on greens?” adds Sam, sounding genuinely confused. “Get the lamb chops, or even the steak. They do a great job with both cuts,” he says encouragingly.

I’m shocked and bite my lip while looking down. “Yes, but I thought men preferred girls who don’t eat much.”

Vance shakes his head. “Some guys, maybe, but not us. We like a woman with curves, and besides it takes a lot of energy to handle three men. How will you keep up during our sexy times if you’re eating like a rabbit?”

I blush. But when the waiter returns, I order the surf and turf, along with a side of mashed potatoes and a baked potato to boot.

“Great,” says Burke approvingly. “Lots of carbs are good for our girl. Please bring extra butter and sour cream as well,” he instructs our server, who immediately jots the note down. Once we’re alone again, I titter.

“Well, I’m definitely hungry,” I say. “So this is going to be fun.”

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