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My Boss and His Friends (The Forbidden Fun)

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We nod with understanding.

“What did you major in at Oregon State?” Vance asks gently.

“Philosophy,” she admits with a rueful smile. “So, my career options are limited, as you can guess, since no one’s really hiring full time philosophers out there. That’s why I’m a secretary now.”

I caress her back soothingly. “There’s nothing wrong with being admin. Are you happy? Are you learning a lot on the job?”

Jessica picks up the last wing and bites into it before she answers. Her look is reflective as she chews.

“I am happy,” she finally says. “I enjoy being your secretary, even if it sounds really humble. I know it’s strange, but I feel like I’m making a difference with my work. I like helping people, and my position allows me to fulfill my goals because my job is to make your life run smoother.”

“And you’re excellent at what you do,” I rumble. “Like I said, there’s nothing wrong with being a secretary because it’s honest work. I’m not too proud to wash dishes, honey. You’d be surprised at how many people think certain types of work are below them, but I can tell you’re not like that.”

She smiles ruefully.

“Yeah, it’s weird because it seems like everyone wants to be a CEO like you guys, or at least the next blockbuster entrepreneur. I mean, I know you work hard and you’re good at what you do, but I think I’m happier with being a foot soldier. I wouldn’t want to be the head of a company or anything because it’s not for me. Is that horrible to admit? Do I sound like I have no direction in life?”

I shake my head slowly.

“No, not at all. In fact, it’s commendable that you get pleasure from what you do because a lot of people feel like they have to ‘dream big’ and ‘chase your passion.’ But all of that is just bullshit. Dreams have no size, and what’s much more important is feeling fulfilled and making an asset of yourself, no matter what people think.”

Jessica shoots me a grateful look.

“Thanks, Burke. I really appreciate it,” she says in a gentle tone. “I guess I do need some validation after all because everyone’s always pestering me about my career goals, and I hate letting them down. Maybe now I can tell my parents that I’m happy the way I am. I know it’s wasting my degree but—”

Vance cuts her off.

“You’re not wasting your degree,” he growls. “A B.A. in philosophy is very valuable.”

She throws him a grateful smile too.

“Thank you for that. I just wish you could tell that to my parents.” Sam rubs her arms comfortingly.

“Your parents only want what’s best for you, the way all parents do,” he says. “They’ll come around. Just keep telling them how fulfilled you are until they believe you, sweetheart.”

Jessica perks up and kisses Sam lightly. “Thank you. I’ll do that.”

With that, the conversation turns to a lighter subjects and we pick up bowling once more as the words flow. It’s easy to get along with Jessica, and I can tell my friends appreciate her wit, intelligence, and innate kindness too. So many women in Portland are all talk, but Jessica has real integrity. She’s concerned for the poor, the environment, and for the growing inequality gap in our country. Not only that, but she’s doing something about it by contributing to worthy charities and regularly volunteering her time. By contrast, the last time I volunteered must have been when I was fifteen and trying to get something on my resume. I know it’s the same for Sam and Vance. We’re men who focus on the bottom-line, but Jessica’s not like that at all, and it warms our hearts

By the end of the night, my friends and I are exchanging glances because I know we’re thinking the same thing. If anything, this woman is too good for us. The beautiful brunette is more than we deserve, and I’m grateful that she’s opened her arms to us because without Jessica, Sam, Vance and I would be assholes dating a swath through Portland and hating it. But instead, we have this beautiful woman, and with her by our sides, we’re becoming better men with every passing day.



* * *

Despite going on dozens of dates together, my relationship with Burke, Sam, and Vance is still technically a secret. We eat at restaurants, see movies or concerts, and hang out all over Portland, but we’re always careful because they’re powerful men who lead big companies. They have to watch out for their reputations, although it doesn’t seem that Burke, Vance and Sam are too worried sometimes. They’re pretty open about our entanglement actually, and will hold my hand or press a kiss to my cheek even in public.

But I manage to stifle my fears because the last three months in their arms have been incredible and I’m really happy. I’ve practically been living at Burke’s mansion full time, and wonder if I should stop paying rent at my old place. Of course, we haven’t discussed moving in, but terminating my lease would definitely save a lot of money!

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