Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 11

After the terrible places he’d been, this old house, and Sarah’s connection to it, seemed an oddity. That anyone could be so caught up in a house, could so obviously belong within its walls, fascinated Bodie.

Or maybe it was Sarah who fascinated him.

She didn’t wear a wedding band, or any jewelry save a gold chain around her neck. The attached pendant was hidden under her collar.

“You’re doing this by yourself?”

She shook her head. “I’ve had an architect, contractors, electricians, plumbers, floor people, roof people, pest control people, the Historical Society, painters, and dozens of others giving their input or working. I can’t take credit for much of the actual labor. My home restoration skills are minimal at best.” She gave him an impish smile. “Mostly, I’m overseeing things.”

He’d wanted to know whether or not she had a husband or significant other to help her. Still, she’d answered his question.


Her warm brown gaze met his. “This was my aunt’s home. I spent a lot of time here while growing up.” A faraway look settled onto her face as she continued. “Later in life, she dreamed of turning the house into a bed and breakfast so it would be filled with love and laughter and people again. When she died, she left me the house and her dream.”

Things and places didn’t matter too much to Bodie. He’d moved a lot as a kid and had found it easier not to get attached. Just being inside four walls was enough to make him antsy. Sarah Smith didn’t seem to suffer from that malady. She was invested in this house and in her aunt’s vision.

What did that even feel like? To be so attached to a place?

“Fulfilling that dream is my legacy.”

He nodded as if he understood. In truth, he couldn’t help but stare at her, wondering at how different their lives had been.

Glancing around the kitchen, she changed the subject. “I’ve finished this room. Don’t you love it? I tried to modernize without taking away the charm from the past.”

She’d done a good job. The room looked like something off one of those television home remodel shows he’d watched while laid up in bed month after month.

“All the appliances are new.” She looked around the room, delight lighting her pretty face. “Well, most everything in this room is new. I was able to use the cabinets—I just reinforced them so I could replace the countertops with granite and put a coat of paint over them. I had the new sinks put in and the island built with the extra sink, oven, and the commercial dishwasher.”

Her pleasure in the room coated every word.

“Someday, I hope to be able to cater to ten guests at a time. Can’t you just see them sitting around on the opposite side of the island and in the breakfast nook?” She gestured to a hexagonal area with multiple long windows and a built-in bench that ran the entire length of the outer walls of the nook. Dark gray drawstring curtains topped each window. The table was shaped the same as the room and fit the area perfectly. “They’ll fill the space with energy and conversation while I cook them breakfast.”

Her voice was so dreamily content, Bodie’s gaze cut to her rather than the cozy area she’d created. He couldn’t recall having ever met someone so idealistic, so a part of their surroundings, so full of dreams.

“They’ll be drinking coffee or hot cocoa, a few reading the paper, catching up on world news. The whole house will smell of whatever is baking in the oven. Christmas music will be playing in the background and there will be a garland with lights over the cabinets. I’ll have a big Christmas tree over there.”

A soft sigh escaped her mouth. Bodie couldn’t keep his gaze from dropping to her pink lips.

Quickly, he looked away.

That was not why he was here. Not even close.

He was there to thank Sarah. Not to complicate her life, or his, by noticing how pretty she was or how being near her made him excited to be a small part of the restoration, to play a small role in making her dream come true.

“This room and the living room are done.” She ran her finger along the neutral gray and white granite with its subtle flecks of black. “But, in addition to my room, there are two downstairs suites and neither of them are even close to ready to receive guests.”

“That’s what you need me to do? Get those suites ready?”

Still lost in her vision of the house, she nodded.

“Let’s see them so I can make sure what you need is within my skills.”

When they stepped into the first suite, Bodie frowned. “Who started the remodel?”

Sarah’s forehead wrinkled. “Which time?”

Bodie gave her a dubious look. “What happened?”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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