Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 30

Leaning against the counter, he took a drink of his water and regarded her. “You thought all that when we met?”

Her cheeks a little pink, she nodded. “You have a beautiful smile, Bodie. You should wear it all the time.”

“Kind of like the one you were wearing when I came in here?” he teased, ignoring what she’d said about him.

Shoulders dropping, she gave a frustrated huff. “Yeah, well, I was trying to call the man who promised to help me load the ornaments for the Great Christmas Ornament Hunt. He texted to cancel.”

“The what?” The name made it sound like she was talking about some kind of big, international event. One he’d never heard of.

“Last year when I took over Special Projects, I started a new tradition at the On-The-Square Christmas Festival.” She looked quite pleased with herself. “A Christmas ornament hunt for the good boys and girls of Pine Hill.”

“Like an Easter egg hunt?”

Looking as excited as a kid, she clasped her hands together. “Yes, only with ornaments that open and have prizes hidden inside them. Isn’t it wonderful?”

“I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“Because I started the tradition last year.” Smiling, she gave him a duh look. “I wanted something fun to do at the festival during the afternoon before the parade and tree lighting. There are photos with Santa but not a lot of other things for kids to do. The town is working to make the Christmas festival an all-day event in hopes of reviving the town square and increasing business there. The ornament prizes range from candy to items donated by church members to things donated by local businesses. Any kind of toy, game, gift card, and whatever that can fit inside something this big.” She held her hands out just so.

Bodie stared at her, wondering if she was for real or pulling his leg. He’d known she got into the season and all that, but an ornament hunt? He supposed if she had a Present Pick game, she could have an ornament hunt.

“I found the idea online and thought it seemed great.”

“It sounds like something you’d like.”

Her hands went to her hips. “It was a big hit.”

“I’m sure it was.” Amusement laced his words.

“You’ll see.”

At her words, her eyes brightened, and she got a look that set warning bells off in his head.

“You will see.” She looked proud of herself. “Because you, Bodie Lewis, are going to attend your first ornament hunt.”

Bodie shook his head. “I don’t do ornament hunts or holidays, remember?”

“Yeah, well, it’s time you started.”

He continued to shake his head.

“You’ll have fun.”

“At an ornament hunt? I’m a little out of the appropriate age range.”

Her chin lifted. “That’s never stopped me from enjoying something fun.”

“Your point is?”

She laughed. “Okay, so I’m a kid at heart, but what’s wrong with that?”

Not one thing. But everything childish in him had died long ago.

“What are your plans for the rest of the evening?”

Incoming. Take cover. That’s what all his training warned.

So when he heard himself ask, “What is it you want me to do for the rest of the evening, Sarah?” he could only blame himself for whatever came next.

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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