Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 35

“That’s because you weren’t at a Christmas tree farm with me.”

He shook his head, but a flicker in his eyes spurred her on.

“Mrs. Harvey makes a delicious soup and sandwich,” she tempted. “Plus, in addition to trees, they have a gift shop that sells the most awesome homemade goodies ever. Oh, and you can buy fresh holly wreaths, too. We could get one for the front door.”

One side of his mouth hiked up. “All that? Really?”

“Really,” she agreed, not caring that he found her enthusiasm amusing. She wanted to show him Harvey Farms. “It’s not quite as wonderful as the festival, but Harvey Farms is still like a dream come true.”

“Your dream, maybe.” He leaned back against the kitchen counter, crossed his muscular arms, and regarded her. “You know this isn’t my kind of thing.”

“Only because you’ve never been,” she assured him, thinking how much fun she’d have showing him one of her favorite places, letting him see it through her eyes. Bodie didn’t have a lot of Christmas spirit, but she suspected that came from lack of exposure.

Holiday happiness was contagious, and she wanted to infect him with a big dose of Christmas goodness.

“I’ll be fine if I never go,” he countered.

“Once you’ve tasted Mrs. Harvey’s yummy soup you’ll think otherwise. No one should go their whole lives without sampling some of her treats.” Just recalling how wonderful the woman’s past offerings had been had Sarah’s mouth watering. “I’m sure Harry would love the opportunity to stretch his legs.”

This point seemed to make more of an impact. He tilted his head and seemed to be actually considering it. “There is that,” he admitted. “Though I could just take him for a walk around the block.”

“Wouldn’t he rather run through the woods? The trees are breathtaking. Like a forest of Christmas enchantment waiting to happen.”

“A forest of Christmas enchantment waiting to happen?” Snorting with amusement, he shook his head. “You sure you don’t work for a holiday advertising company?”

“Am I selling you on coming with me?”

“You’re not going to leave without me, are you?”


Excitement filled her. “After you’ve worked so hard since you arrived, it would be my pleasure to take you to Harvey Farm today.”

“Your pleasure to take me, eh?” A full grin broke out on his face. “In my truck?”

“Well, yes. Unless you want to strap the tree to the top of my car?” She batted her lashes. “Can’t you see me driving us around with a tree hanging over both ends of my little car? No doubt that would be some type of traffic violation. Donnie would be waiting in his patrol car and would take great pleasure in giving me another ticket. I might lose my license.”

He chuckled. “Then how can I say no?”

Her insides warmed. How could she have ever thought he never smiled? Sure, the smiles still didn’t come as often as they should, but the man certainly could smile. And how! She’d also been right about how his smile transformed everything about him. She’d never admit it to the Butterflies, but she knew full well that Bodie was a very attractive man.

With a smile so brilliant it could top a Christmas tree and outshine any star.

“You can’t. I’m irresistible,” she teased and almost felt as if she really were with the way Bodie indulged her.

Too bad he planned to leave Pine Hill as soon as he finished at Hamilton House. If he were staying, it would be so easy to let herself fall for him.

But she wouldn’t.

Nor did she want to think about his leaving. Not now.

For the moment, Bodie was going Christmas tree shopping with her and that was enough.

“An irresistible snowflake.” He gave a resigned sigh. “Then I have no choice but to go.”

“Yay!” Before she thought better of it, Sarah crossed the short distance between the kitchen island and the counter, wrapped her arms around Bodie and gave him a hug. “You won’t regret this.”

Although she did regret hugging him, because she’d swear he smelled better than Christmas morning itself.

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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