Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 45

“What are you doing?”

Spinning at Bodie’s voice, she almost lost balance on the ladder, only steadying herself at the last second.

Quick as a flash, he was near the ladder, ready to catch her if she fell.

“Be careful,” he ordered.

“I was fine until you came in and startled me,” she pointed out, a little annoyed.

“What if Harry had bumped against the ladder?”

Sarah glanced at where the dog lay on the floor watching her. “Harry looks comfy where he is.”

“You don’t know that he wouldn’t hear a noise and bump against the ladder. You could’ve fallen.”

“But I didn’t.” Which was a bit of a shame when she had a strong soldier waiting to catch her. Would Santa put her on the naughty list if she pretended to slip and let herself drop into Bodie’s waiting arms?

Now where had that thought come from? She did not want to drop into Bodie’s arms. But she did appreciate his concern.

“This time,” Bodie argued, putting his hand on the ladder to steady it should she do anything that might jar it. “I don’t think you should be up on ladders.”

“I’ll have you know I’ve been using this ladder to decorate trees in this house all my life. I’ve got this.” She gave him a challenging look. “Unless you’ve decided you want to help. In which case, I’ll gladly hand over my stepladder to you.”

“Is that why you’re up on that ladder stretched out that way? Trying to get me in on decorating the tree?”

“Would I do that?” she asked innocently. Truly, she hadn’t been. But it was so much fun to tease him that she couldn’t resist.

He arched a brow. “You tell me.”

“If you’re volunteering,” she said, “I could use help.”

He looked up at her, waiting to see what it was she wanted him to do.

“Putting lights on a tree has never been my favorite part of decorating.” Truer words had never been spoken. “I’m not sure if it’s a patience thing or what, but I always get them tangled up around each other.” She gave him her best pretty please smile. “If you’d help me get the lights onto the tree, I’d appreciate it.”

Not looking thrilled at the prospect, he regarded her. “Put the lights on, huh?”

“Think you could handle the lights? If so, I could make us some cookies and milk.”

“Your homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?”

When she nodded, she could tell his interest was piqued. Or maybe it was just that he didn’t want her up on the ladder again. Either way, he pretended to be considering.

“Guess I could. Of course, this does mean I’m still not getting your vanities installed.”

Not caring a bit about whether he got the vanities installed that day or not, she grinned. “We have all evening. How long does it take to put lights on a tree?”

Bodie gave her a skeptical look. “If I truly believed it was only going to be putting lights on a tree, it would be one thing. But I have this feeling I’m going to be in here a while.”

Sarah hoped so.

A little later, walking back into the living area with a tray of goodies, Sarah paused in the doorway to look at Bodie.

He might have only come back to help her decorate the tree out of guilt for shutting down her questions, or concern that she’d hurt herself on the ladder, but he was doing a great job. The lights were spaced evenly, just the way she preferred, and she hadn’t even had to tell him.

Sarah really liked that about him.

She liked a lot of things about Bodie. Like the fact that he was humming along with the Christmas music she had playing. No doubt if she mentioned it, he’d immediately stop.

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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