Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 56

“Sarah, you get the extra ornaments organized so as soon as we sell one, we can easily replace it with a fresh one.”

Sarah and Bodie exchanged a look and Sarah fought laughing as Bodie held his hand to where only she could see his face and he mouthed the word, “Wasp.”

Maybelle’s gaze fell to Harry. The dog sat at perfect attention, quietly taking in the commotion. His head cocked as his gaze met Maybelle’s, as if he was waiting for her to give him orders, as well.

“You best be on good behavior,” she warned the dog. “Stay out of the way and no barking at the customers.”

Seeming to understand, Harry settled back into his corner, laying his head on his legs, and watching Maybelle as if he wasn’t sure about her.

Fifteen minutes later, the trees were positioned to Maybelle’s specification. The boys had gone to run errands for one of the women working the game portion of the tent, and Maybelle, Claudia, and Rosie were checking out the baked goods and discussing who’d made what this year with the other volunteers.

“Okay, you’re right. The wasps scare me,” Bodie said under his breath.

Sarah laughed. “There goes my big, brave, tough soldier image of you. Taken down by a group of elderly church ladies.”

“Pretty sure Maybelle was a general in a previous life. I can’t figure the sweet grandma-looking one out, Claudia. She comes in with a sharp tongue here and there just to keep you on your toes. Ruby seems to spend more time in marital bliss than flittering around with the rest of the swarm.” He finished wrapping the lights on the tree and plugged the end into the generator. “The other, Rosie, is a friendly sort. Always smiling. A few times now, she’s invited me to stop by so she could bake cinnamon bread for me.”

Sarah’s eyes widened. “Did you go?”

He shook his head. “Every instinct said for me to just say no.”

Sarah feigned disbelief. “Rosie offered some of her grandmother’s cinnamon bread and you said no?”

He stared at her as if he didn’t see what the big deal was. Sarah didn’t believe that Rosie’s grandmother’s cinnamon bread would have wooed Bodie, but she was amused that Rosie had offered.

“Too bad for you,” she told him. “Rosie’s grandmother’s cinnamon bread is legendary. It’s a secret family recipe and she rarely offers to make it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind if I’m invited over again.”

A smile played at Sarah’s lips. “You do that.”

Bodie stepped back to survey the trees he and Sarah had decorated with the various ornaments for sale, along with the festooned pegboards.

“Not bad, if I do say so myself.”

“They’re beautiful,” Sarah agreed, looking wistfully at the trees. “Someone should buy the entire trees with everything on them so they could have these in their home exactly as they are right now.”

“That would be something,” Bodie agreed, turning an ornament to a better angle.

Sarah reached for the ornament at the same time, their hands brushing against each

other’s. Her gaze cut to Bodie’s.

She had taken off her gloves some time back, to avoid the ornament hooks snagging on the material. Despite the chilly December air, her fingers hadn’t felt cold, but she imagined they did next to Bodie’s warm ones. She didn’t pull her hand away from his, just looked up at him, thinking how glad she was he was there, how much she looked forward to what the afternoon and evening would bring.

If Bodie were gone by Christmas, then this year, the On-The-Square Christmas Festival would likely be her most favorite day of the year rather than second-best.

Good thing she’d have her Grand Opening to keep her busy, with no time for dwelling on how much she would have enjoyed spending the day with Bodie, wrapping him in Christmas joy.

His blue gaze held hers, and then he smiled. Sarah felt as if she were a Christmas tree someone had just flipped the light switch on. She lit up so brightly that she was sure she shone for miles.

Her breath caught, getting trapped in her chest and making her feel a little lightheaded as her eyes searched his. For what, she wasn’t sure—she just knew that she looked into their blue depths for something more than what was on the surface.

“Thank you for coming today, Bodie.”

His fingers moving slightly against hers, he shrugged. “So far it hasn’t been too bad.”

“Not too bad,” she agreed, staring up at him and marveling at how she could feel so close to someone she’d only known a few weeks. “Good news is that the best is yet to come.”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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