Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 60

Except for maybe Rosie, as he didn’t see Sarah dying her hair in punk rock blue and chasing men around anytime soon.

Then he noticed an older gentleman spinning Sarah in a mini-dance to the Christmas music. She kissed his cheek, then burst out laughing. The corner of Bodie’s mouth hiked up. Maybe Rosie had influenced her more than he’d thought.

“You sure you won’t stay in Pine Hill?” Maybelle asked.

Bodie’s gaze cut to her. “Positive. I’m only here to help Sarah. As soon as I finish at Hamilton House, I’m gone.”

“Interesting wording for your reason for being in Pine Hill.”

Yes, he supposed to Maybelle, it was.

Rather than question him further, she leaned against the fence and watched the ornament hunt in silence except for a quietly spoken, “A shame you aren’t staying, though.”

Sarah laughed so hard she had to pause to catch her breath at the almost eighty-year-old Clyde’s impromptu lesson of the Christmas boogie while his great-grandchildren hunted ornaments. Then she straightened, adjusted her scarf and hat, and glanced toward Bodie.

He wore a serious expression. No wonder, with Maybelle perched against the fence next to him and Harry. There was no telling what she’d said.

When Sarah’s gaze met his, she smiled and waved. Despite whatever had caused his solemn expression, he gave a half-grin and nodded his acknowledgement.

Sarah’s heart spluttered the way it always did at a Bodie smile.

“He’s cute.” Carrie came over to where Sarah was and flicked her gaze toward Bodie. “I thought it the day he came to the community room, asking if you were there, but he seems even more so now. I think it’s how his smile crinkles his eyes.”

Feeling self-conscious, Sarah nodded. Not that “cute” seemed like the right word to describe Bodie. Cute implied something cuddly, and Bodie wasn’t that. But she agreed—Bodie’s smiles were noteworthy. Her hand burned within her glove with memory of his touch and she wondered if it were possible for Bodie to cuddle.

“How’s the remodel going at Hamilton House?”

“Almost finished with the downstairs. We’re on schedule to open on Christmas Day.” Oh, how she loved saying that. “Bodie is doing a fantastic job. If you know anyone who needs some work done, let him know.”

Not that she was lining up work in hopes he’d stay in Pine Hill. Just…

“That’s great.” Carrie’s gaze went to the ornament hunt. “I think all the ornaments have been found, if you want to call time.”

Kids and families were still searching, but a few of the kids had already sat down on the cold ground and were opening their ornaments to ooh and aah over the contents. One of the two-year-olds had chocolate running down her chin and was giving her mother a toothy grin.

Sarah didn’t see anyone finding new ornaments; nor did she spot any that hadn’t been discovered. Using the microphone, she thanked everyone for participating, reminded them that photos with Santa were available at the photography business on the square and told them not to forget the parade at six.

With the children and their families clearing out, Sarah and the other volunteers walked around the playground, checking hiding places, and not finding any additional hidden ornaments.

Maybelle joined her. “Looks like you had more kids this year.”

“We did,” she agreed, excited by the event’s success. “Over a hundred. Did you see those happy little faces?”

Pride shone on Maybelle’s face. “You did good.”

Ecstatic that she’d made Maybelle proud, Sarah leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Maybelle. That you think so makes my day.”

“Nothing you don’t deserve.” Pulling her coat tighter around her, Maybelle gestured to Sarah’s hands. “Now, give me that bag. I’ll clean up any stray bits of trash so you can get over there to that fellow waiting on you.”

Sarah glanced at where Bodie had untied Harry’s leash from the fence and was squatted down next to him. One of the families who’d hunted ornaments was talking to him, their kids petting Harry. Harry rolled over onto his back, obviously eating up the attention, and the kids gave him more rubs.

Bodie laughed at something and Sarah’s heart hiccupped.

“You like him.”

“Harry?” Sarah shrugged, purposely mi

sunderstanding Maybelle. She bent to pick up the plastic top to one of the ornaments and dropped it into the sack she hadn’t handed over to Maybelle. “What’s not to like?”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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