Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 71

“Because after seeing how hilarious you were in our funny picture, I have to have one of you and Harry. Try smiling this time.”

Bodie shrugged, got down next to Harry, then smiled for Sarah. It wasn’t as if smiling was difficult when she was around.

Obviously satisfied with her picture, she rewarded him with one of her smiles, pocketed the phone, then took his hand. “Let’s go have some fun scoping out our competition.”

Bodie laughed. “Ah, so it’s not all fun and games at the Christmas Festival.”

Sarah smiled at him. “Did I say ‘scoping out our competition’? Oops, I meant, ‘supporting the other booths.’ Those ‘s’ words trip me up sometimes.” She hesitated. “You are okay with staying a while longer?”

He should have left hours ago. But he hadn’t. What could staying longer hurt?

“Let’s go scope out—I mean, support other booths.”

“But only if we’re not needed at our booth,” she reminded, grinning at him.

“Our booth first, then support other booths.”

Her smile lit up her entire face. “You’re going to be glad you stayed.”


He suspected the day would linger in his mind much longer than the images on Sarah’s phone.

Their booth was having a post-tree-lighting rush. Bodie and Sarah jumped in to help as Maybelle, Rosie, and Claudia were busy waiting on customers. As she often was, Ruby was off somewhere with Charlie.

When the rush passed, Sarah and Bodie offered to stay, but the Butterflies refused.

“There’s another round of volunteers signed up who should be here any moment,” Rosie assured.

“Plus, we’re almost sold out.” Claudia gestured to the pegboards, which were starting to look bare. “We’ve depleted our reserves, so this is it.”

“Go,” Maybelle insisted. “I signed on to stay until close. Your dad and some other volunteers are going to help with shutdown. Working in the booth makes me feel useful since these legs of mine are too old to walk around much more tonight.”

“You heard her, folks. She admitted she’s old,” Rosie called out with glee. “Anybody get that recorded? I’d be up for watching an instant replay.”

Just as Sarah and Bodie were leaving, a distressed Ruby rushed into the tent.

“This is terrible.” The dyed redhead looked as if she were about to burst into tears. “My Charlie had a tumble and is feeling sore. Nothing serious, but rather than stay, he wants to go home.”

“Oh, Ruby!” Sarah wrapped her arms around her distraught friend and gave her a hug. “You’re sure he’s okay? Is there anything we can do to help?”

“Do you need us to drive you home?” Maybelle asked, moving close as well.

“No, no,” Ruby insisted, sounding stressed. She dug around in her coat pocket, then pulled out a slip of paper. “That’s not why I’m here. Our grandson is visiting from out of town. He and his girlfriend are helping Charlie to his car, driving him home, and making sure Charlie gets inside and settled.”

“Does your grandson need help getting him inside your house?” Bodie asked, wanting to help Sarah’s friends any way he could. Plus, he genuinely liked the older man.

Sarah shot Bodie a look of gratitude, but Ruby shook her head. “Charlie insisted he was fine and didn’t need help. He’s probably right, but he gave me such a fright when he went down. Thank goodness he didn’t break anything or need stitches.”

Assured he wasn’t needed, Bodie stepped back, looking around to make sure none of their current customers needed assistance.

“Still,” Ruby continued. “Although I’m not sure about the girlfriend, I’m glad our grandson is staying with us, just in case.”

The women surrounded Ruby with their support.

“I know you’re worried about Charlie. It’s a go

od thing Rick is here to help you.”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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