Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 75

They popped into art and crafts tents, sampled homemade fudge that almost compared to Mrs. Harvey’s, listened to music performed on a stage that had been set up at the far corner of the square, then, when it was time, they made their way to a side street where Mr. Harvey was picking up and dropping off guests for their sleigh ride through the city park.

“Look, they’re dressed like Mr. and Mrs. Claus,” Sarah exclaimed, loving the added touch.

“Just so long as those horses aren’t flying reindeer in disguise,” Bodie mused.

“Where’s your sense of adventure?” Sarah challenged. “Flying reindeer have got nothing on Bodie Lewis.”

He grinned. “So you say.”

The couple before them told Mr. Harvey thanks and goodbye while Sarah gave Mrs. Harvey the reservation slip.

Then they greeted Mr. Harvey, who helped Sarah into the sleigh and waited for Harry to jump up, then Bodie, before he climbed into the front and told them a few rules for their safety.

“Now, y’all just forget I’m here, sit back, and enjoy,” Mr. Harvey concluded before signaling for his Clydesdales to take off on the path they’d already trodden numerous times that night.

The night air was crisp, but with her coat, hat, scarf, and gloves Sarah hadn’t been overly cold up to then. The moving sleigh created just enough wind to put a chill straight through her and she spread the carriage’s thick, fuzzy blankets over her and Bodie.

In all her sleigh fantasies, she hadn’t been cold in a single one. Nor did she remember being cold on the one she’d taken with her father all those years ago. Then again, it had been in the middle of the day with her father.

Harry seemed intrigued by the sleigh ride, standing at attention and moving from Bodie’s side of the sleigh to hers. Fortunately, he didn’t bark, as Mr. Harvey had warned that if Harry barked, it might spook his horses.

“This is Harry’s first sleigh ride?”

“As far as I know.”


He nodded.

She shivered and pulled the heavy blanket up further around her.


She nodded. “A bit.”

“Here.” He pulled her closer and adjusted the blanket to tuck it in more securely around them.

With her being so close to Bodie, Harry jumped up onto the seat in the spot she’d vacated, pulling his leash across her. First, he looked out of the sleigh, then settled down next to her, his head lying across her blanketed lap.

“Sorry,” Bodie apologized.

“No problem. Harry adds extra warmth.”

Obviously thinking her comment meant she was still cold, Bodie wrapped his arm around her, hugged her close, and made sure the blanket covered her.

Ah. This was more like her fantasy sleigh ride.

A beautiful starry night through the park with a gorgeous man holding her close. Even Harry lying against her was near perfect.

Sighing with contentment, she lay her head against Bodie’s strong shoulder, snuggled into his warmth and closed her eyes.

That’s when she felt it. The tiniest of nature’s kisses that wasn’t a kiss at all.

She opened her eyes and looked around them with disbelief. The night sky illuminated by the occasional light pole was sprinkled with white specks.

“It’s snowing!”

Bodie laughed. “Guess you can’t have a sleigh ride without snow.”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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