Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 88

A couple of hours later, Bodie glanced around the suite, happy with what he saw. The walls were painted, the trim work and crown molding repaired and painted, the hardwood floors gleamed. The antique tiles of the fireplace were cleaned, newly grouted, and the freshly stained oak looked fantastic.

Walking into the bathroom, he glanced around, checking each item to make sure everything still worked perfectly. Lights, electrical outlets, sink, shower, tub, toilet. All that was lacking were Sarah’s finishing touches.

The suites were ready for furniture and then they’d be ready for guests. He still had a few things he wanted to accomplish, and he’d be her muscle on anything she wanted done the next couple of days.

Then, he’d leave.

“You missed your calling.”

Turning to her, Bodie studied her make-up-free face, her slightly puffy eyes and pink nose and realized that while he’d been admiring his work, she’d been crying. Over him.

Guilt hit him. When he’d told her he was falling for her, he hadn’t meant to hurt her. He’d…he’d just needed to tell her the truth. About the quilt, about him, about how she made him feel.

Like he could step into the sunshine and live.

“You sound like my stepfather,” he told her, watching her closely, trying to read where her thoughts were. “This is what he wants me to do, only in Texas.”

“Texas is a little far for me to use you as my handyman.”

“A little.”

“While you’ve been busy in here, I’ve been working in the kitchen. Hungry?”

They ate sitting at the kitchen island. As always, Sarah had outdone herself.

“Your guests are in for a treat.”

Though she was much quieter than her usual chatty self, she still smiled. “I hope so. Getting great reviews from these first few guests will be key to my success.”

“Hamilton House will be a success.” Of that, he had no doubt. Sarah was a woman who could accomplish anything she set her mind to and do it with a smile on her face.


Thinking how much he was going to miss talking to her, he grinned. “You won’t allow anything else.”

“I hope you’re right, because there are so many things beyond my control.” She stood to clear their dishes while Bodie wiped off the island.

“You’ll be fine.”

She closed the dishwasher, faced him. “So, what’s next? We’ll get Aunt Jean’s furniture from my dad’s and get the suites set up tomorrow evening?”

He nodded. “Anything else you want me to take care of?”

“The upstairs rooms need pretty much the same work as you did for the suites downstairs.”

He knew what she was leading up to. Part of him wanted to say he’d help her with the upstairs rooms, personally ensure that Hamilton House was ready for her to fill every space the way she dreamed.

But he’d done what he’d come to do. More than he’d come to do.

Staying longer only delayed the inevitable.

Still, he couldn’t bring himself to say no, just studied her a moment more, then sighed. “Show me what you want done, Sarah, and we’ll see.”

“Yes, Maybelle,” Sarah said into the phone as she poured a glass of juice early the following morning. “I’ll be at church within the hour and will handle the extra meal deliveries today since Ruby and Charlie won’t be there.”

Charlie was going to be fine, but Ruby insisted he take it easy for a few days. Sarah didn’t blame her.

She chatted with Maybelle for a few minutes longer. Mostly, she listened to Maybelle inform her what a huge success everyone said the

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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