Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 97

A tear trickled down her cheek. “I love you all.”

“Telling us that is much better than Maybelle’s suggestion,” Rosie assured, then hugged Sarah. “We love you, too, honey.”

There was a flurry of hugging, then carrying items up the stairs where they put them in one of the mostly empty suites.

“I have the bed, chest, and dresser that went in this room,” Maybelle informed her. “Someday, I’ll give them to you as a wedding gift.”

Sarah crinkled her nose. “I’d rather you sell them to me once I’m ready to open these rooms up to guests.”

Maybelle shook her head. “No. When I bought the set, I told Jean what I was saving it for. She loved that idea.”

Rosie cleared her voice. “The wardrobe I have matches.”

“Do I have to wait until I get married on that, too?”

Rosie’s eyes lit with delight. “Of course. It’s a matching set.”

Ruby and Claudia both looked about to burst.

“Okay, what are you holding ransom until a wedding that’s never going to happen?”

“I have the curtains, those heavy brocaded ones that match these.” Ruby held up one of the pillows.

“And I have the tapestry that used to hang on the wall over there,” Claudia confessed with glee.

She couldn’t help but smile at them as she shook her head. “Truly, it would be better if I bought them back. Waiting for years on a wedding that might never happen to bring this room back together seems a shame.”

“There’s no rush. You can always use other pieces until that day comes.”

“Assuming it ever does.”

“You never know when the right one will come along and sweep you off your feet.”

Something in the way Rosie said the words had Sarah’s gaze dropping to her hand.

“Rosie!” she exclaimed as she took in the glittering diamond. “You said yes.”

Rosie lifted her chin and fluffed her bright blue hair. “Couldn’t break Lou’s heart on Christmas, now could I?”

Once they were all back downstairs, Ruby went to give Charlie the grand tour, while the others asked what they could do to help. Sarah assigned each one a room, putting her father, Maybelle, Claudia, and her husband in the kitchen to make sure guests got cookies and drinks as needed.

She stationed Rosie in the living area. When they returned, she put Ruby and Charlie in charge of the downstairs suites.

“Y’all just make sure y’all behave,” Sarah told them, getting a giggle from Ruby as she and Charlie exchanged looks.

Oh, to have that kind of love. The kind where you loved and were loved in return and never doubted each other’s affections.

Bringing a tray of sandwiches with him as a housewarming gift, Lou was the first visitor to arrive and got a round of congrats from everyone. Carrie and her family were right behind him. Within minutes, the house had a steady stream of visitors.

None stayed long, they all just toured the home, sampled some of the goodies, promised to rave about the place to any friends or relatives, then they gave their best wishes and left as others arrived.

The magazine journalist showed, snapped hundreds of photos, asked about that many questions, and told Sarah he’d shoot her an email when the article went live on their website.

A dozen or so guests were still there when the two-hour open house ended. One by one, Sarah saw them off.

After they were all gone, Ruby gave her a big hug. “Sorry Charlie and I can’t stay longer. Our grands are coming over tonight for board games.”

Claudia glanced at her watch. “Oh, we’ve got to be heading out, too. The hubs here has a surprise gift for me that wasn’t under the tree this morning. I get to open it when we get back.”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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