Wrapped Up In Christmas - Page 99

She also acknowledged how desperately she wished it were. Because like it or not, Bodie had taken something of hers when he’d left.

Her heart.

Her lucid dreaming continued, and she welcomed the illusion of Bodie’s smile and laughter as the Christmas gift it was. From far off in her dream, she heard Harry barking, and she wished he’d hurry and join them so she could pet him.

His barking was growing louder, more persistent, and not fitting with her dream.

Opening her eyes, she glanced around the living room, eyes settling on her twinkling Christmas tree as she tried to orient herself from her dream-filled nap.

She was awake now. The barking should have stopped.

It hadn’t.

Adrenaline shot up from her belly to her throat. Was she not really awake? Was this still part of her dream?

The barking had gotten closer, louder, as if…as if Harry were on her front porch.

Pulling the quilt off, she tossed it onto the rocker. Then she hurried to the front door and flung it open, not really expecting to see anyone, expecting to awaken and be disappointed that the barking hadn’t been real.

There, on her front porch, was Bodie squatted down, telling Harry to quit barking.

He glanced up, met her gaze with his beautiful blue eyes, and grinned. “Merry Christmas, Sarah.”

“I…what are you doing here?”

Not exactly the welcome Bodie had hoped for, but at least she hadn’t slammed the door in his face or ordered him off the property.

Bodie’s body seemed frozen in place, but Harry had no such issues and leapt at Sarah, barking, nudging her with his nose and licking her like crazy.

At his launching at her, Sarah stumbled back a step before steadying herself, laughing at Harry’s exuberant hello as she loved on the dog.

“I missed you, too,” she told Harry, hugging him to her and giggling as he attempted to lick her face.

“Down,” Bodie told him, but for once, Harry didn’t listen, just kept excitedly greeting Sarah. “Harry,” Bodie said in a deeper tone.

“It’s okay. He’s not bothering me,” Sarah assured, scratching Harry behind the ears and moving her head around to keep Harry’s licking from the chin down.

Maybe he should have left Harry in the truck until he’d told Sarah what he’d come to say. Then again, she’d looked stunned to see him on her porch and it was only after Harry went nuts that she smiled and laughed.

When Harry had calmed enough that conversation was possible, Sarah spoke first.

“You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here?”

“Today is your open house.”

She didn’t look up from where she petted Harry. “The open house was from twelve to two.”

He’d left in what should have been plenty of time to get there, but had run into bad traffic.

“I’m sorry I missed it. Maybe you could give me a private showing?”

Her gaze lifted. “Why?”

“I’d like to see what you did with the suites after I left.”

She straightened, motioned for him to go inside. He followed her through the hallway to first one suite, then the other.

“I like the furniture and how you decorated. It all looks simple but beautiful.”

Tags: Janice Lynn Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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