Bring Him Home - Page 2

My dad is always doing things to please my ma because he loves her so much. I knew one day I’d want a man who loved me like Dad loves Ma but it still chaps my ass that Dad sometimes limits me because she is overcautious and he has a hard time telling her no. Her and I have gotten into several spats in the past few years about her obsessing over my safety. I know she worries and it’s out of love, but I have to see and learn for myself.

I knew she’d never give me her blessing to leave our little town so today I just picked up and left. I am still sort of shocked myself that I did it. I asked Cindy to take me to the airport early this morning. I knew she would take me and not say a word to anyone about it.

She has the biggest crush on Colton Blackwood. His family owns the farm directly across from ours. Cindy used to always tease me that Colton was sweet on me but we are just friends. We have been friends since we were little. If it was up to Ma and Dad, they would have us married off together. I’m guessing Cindy thinks with me gone she’ll have Colton all to herself. I don’t have the heart to tell her that it will never happen.

When I arrived at the airport, the first thing I did was walk up to the counter and book the first flight I could to New York. It took a big chunk out of the money I’d saved but I still had some left. The cab took another nice chunk. Everything was costing a lot more here than I realized it was going to. I should have done a touch more planning, but this horse is already out of the barn. I am going to focus on the positive things for now. I am on my own for the first time in my life. I am excited to start this new adventure.

When my phone starts to ring, I reach for my purse to pull it out, guessing it’s Ma again. I freeze when I realize the suitcase that I have been dragging around with me is gone. I frantically turn in circles looking for it. I’m sure it was here moments ago. I know that I didn’t leave it in the cab. I’m slowly beginning to panic and I feel a little weak in my knees.

Suddenly two big arms come down on my shoulders and I try to jerk back. My head flies up, meeting two of the darkest eyes I have ever seen on a man staring down at me. He looks pissed. I can hear his uneven breathing and a chill runs through me.

I open my mouth and scream, my hands fumbling with my purse to find my whistle. My hand locks around it and I bring it to my mouth. No one stops to help me. This man keeps his hold on me and I scream louder. In fact, when I try to look past him, most of the people are too busy to notice what is happening. They continue on their merry way down the sidewalk.

I bring the whistle to my mouth, blowing into it, but nothing comes out.

“What are you doing?” The man’s voice is deep. Almost familiar. I drop the whistle from my mouth, realizing it’s not making any noise. I do the next thing I can think of. I bring my leg up and try to knee him in the balls but he’s quicker than me. He moves out of the way but he doesn’t release his hold on me. He shifts us so I lose my balance, falling into him.

I scream again, louder this time, thinking someone has to see or hear this. “Fire! Help! Stranger danger!” I shout the words Ma always told me would draw attention. Still no one tries to help. Maybe they are wondering why a girl would be trying to get away from this ridiculously hot man in the suit. That same thought popped into my head for a second but I quickly dismissed it.

“Fucking hell,” the man grits out, pulling me into him more. I should try and knee him again but his mouth comes down onto mine, cutting off the screams. My fingers dig into his suit jacket as I let him kiss me.

When he pulls back from me I realize that he’s lifted me from the ground and my feet are dangling.

“Wow,” I say. The city is way better than I thought it was going to be.



What the fuck is wrong with me is the only thing that I can think as I stand here wondering how I have gotten myself into this predicament. This is all I will allow myself to think so my mind doesn’t drift places it shouldn’t after I kissed her. I’ve just full-on kissed her right here in the center of Times Square. I’ll be lucky if it doesn’t end up on page six. I was drawn to her as soon as she looked up at me with the biggest green eyes I’ve ever seen. One look knocked the air right out of my lungs, startling me more than her scream of surprise did. Those emerald eyes are surrounded with thick, long lashes that make them look as innocent as a fawn. Yeah, something is definitely wrong with me. I am noticing her eyelashes? It isn’t the only thing I am noticing but still, I never notice these things. I don’t have time to dwell on these small details.

Tags: Ella Goode Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024