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Bring Him Home

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My poor assistant doesn’t know what to do with herself. I can only imagine the horror on her face right now. I’m so focused on Delilah that I can’t pull my eyes away to check. She’s probably a bundle of nerves waiting for me to react to what has taken place. No one has ever spoken to me in this manner in my life, let alone struck me on top of it.

It wasn’t the smack that made me rock-fucking-hard but the jealousy that lit up in her eyes. This confirmed how much she‘s into me. She needs to know that she has nothing to worry about when it comes to my assistant. If you put a gun to my head and asked me what color eyes my assistant has I’d be a dead man. I respect Charlotte as my work colleague and I’ve never paid attention to anything other than the work she does.

I can’t help the small smile on my face as I watch Delilah’s mind catch up to what is going on. Her cheeks are turning a little pink and embarrassment is written all over my girl’s face. She now fully realizes who the woman likely is. She should have never answered my door to begin with. She is already acting like she owns the place which means she’s comfortable here. That knowledge has me grinning inside. I would have moved faster to get the door if the sway of Delilah’s ass hadn’t put me in a momentary trance. It wasn’t until she was pulling the damn door open that I realized what was happening. Usually my doorman doesn’t just let anyone come walking in and using the elevator. They have to be on the pre-approved list in order to even get up to my door. I will be taking extra steps for security now that I hold something so rare in my grasp. I can’t take the chance of something happening to Delilah.

I kiss the palm of her hand again to soothe it and calm her down. I didn’t like the sound of her scream when her hand connected with my face. Even though I should be the one in pain, the thought of her hand hurting had me reaching for her hand and caressing it. I couldn’t bear to see her in any sort of pain. The thought of her experiencing any cuts through me. This entire situation is making me realize that my girl is an act first and ask questions later kind of woman. I’m pretty sure she hadn’t realized what she was doing until she was done doing it.

God, she is filled with so much passion she doesn’t know what to do with it half the time. It’s built up in her and is begging to get out. I’m sure that’s what pushed her to get on a plane and come to this big city to begin with. She needed a way to release that built-up passion and I am more than willing to be that for her.

She can do it under me, over me, or any other way that includes me. I don’t give a fuck which way she does it as long as it includes her curvy little body pressed into mine. I want every drop of it for myself. I am going to be very selfish with her. If I had it my way, I would keep her locked up in this penthouse all to myself.

There is no way Delilah will go for that. I need to figure out how I am going to keep her near me at all times but let her think she came up with the idea. If she thought that I was trying to control her, she would never go for it.

My phone rings, breaking into my thoughts of how I am going to keep her close. I pull the phone out but keep my eyes on her sweet face, willing her to smile so that I can see her dimples again. I feel like I’ve been replaced with someone else. I can’t ever remember having these sorts of thoughts. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Drake,” I say without looking to see who is calling.

“Sir, there is a man down here asking to see a Delilah. Should I let him up, sir?” David the doorman asks.

“What?” I bark out, making Delilah jump. She doesn’t get far since my hand is still wrapped around her small wrist.

“He says his name is Dean Simpson,” David adds quickly. As if that will help my anger.

“I don’t know a Dean,” I growl into my phone. Who is this fucker and how does he know my Delilah’s name? I am starting to see red and my patience is wearing razor thin.

“Oh, Dean!” Delilah chirps. “Tell him I’ll be right down.” My hand on her wrist tightens, making her eyes snap there. She is going to need a lot of luck if she thinks she is getting anywhere without me attached to her. This may be one of the only times that my size isn’t getting in my way.

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