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Bring Him Home

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He turns, pulling the pizza out of the oven, and starts to cut it up. He brings it over to where I’m sitting and lifts a piece to my mouth. I take a bite even though pizza is the last thing I’m hungry for right now.

“Meat lovers.” I sigh, leaning forward and taking a bite. I chew and swallow. “Maybe this could work between us.” I’m teasing, but he doesn’t smile as I poke him in his hard stomach. He only studies my face, making me wonder what he’s thinking. He’s probably thinking that this will never work between us. That thought makes my heart heavy and I don’t feel so hungry anymore.

I know my thoughts are likely true. We may have a pull between us and an unquestionable sexual attraction to each other, but maybe that’s all it is for him. I’d like to think that this isn’t what it usually feels like when you have a spark with someone. It’s too powerful. I’d never make it in the dating world if this was how it was every time with every person. Maybe Ma was right about me feeling too much. Was it naïve of me to hope he wanted more?

No one back home ever got my attention. It was a big reason why I wanted to go off into the world too. I knew that I would have to go out and find love if I wanted it. It’s not like you run into new people every day where I am from. It’s slim pickings in the country. If I wanted a love like my Ma and dad have I’d need to go in search of it. Sadly, I know that this city life and I aren’t in it for the long haul. It hasn’t even been twelve hours and I’m already missing home. I’m guessing it’s normal for anyone to be homesick when they first move away. I am just feeling sorry for myself.

I miss Bacon so much. I saved that grumpy little pig when she was just a runt. If you saw the size of her you’d never believe that she was the runt. You probably wouldn’t believe me when I told you that I nursed her little butt with a bottle, yet she still managed to constantly give me the stink eye. Maybe I shouldn’t have named her Bacon. That probably got us off on the wrong foot. My dad said she reminded him of me. Cute but stubborn, he would say and then laugh at his own joke.

“Where’d you go, baby?” he asks me. God, I love when he calls me that.

“Probably the same place you did.” I sigh, taking another bite of pizza. He has to know it isn’t going to work either. I keep wondering when he is going to bring up my dad. I know they are friends. I can’t see how kissing and touching your friend’s daughter doesn’t cross any lines and a man like Drake Weston has all kinds of lines.

He mutters a doubtful but I don’t call him on it. I don’t need another reminder of why we shouldn’t be doing the things we are doing. It doesn’t matter though, I knew one way or another I’d get my heart broken. I am already in too deep to stop that from happening. Since I know it’s going to happen I resign myself to go down in a blaze of glory and enjoy every moment we have together. I might as well have a taste of Drake Weston. I know the man needs a taste of me, too. I am never going to be attracted to another man the way I am to him. I know one day I will leave this city to go back to the country but my cherry will be left behind with Drake. He is going to take it whether it crosses his imaginary lines or not. This man is strung way too tight. He needs a release and I want to be the one to give it to him. Maybe we can’t have each other forever but when this is all said and done we can both benefit from the time I have here. We can both take from each other what we need.



I brace myself with one hand on the stone in the shower, trying to control the lust that I can’t seem to get to go away even with the cold water raining down on me. I reach for my rock-hard cock and begin to jack off. All I can picture are those puffy lips and that crown of red hair. I stroke myself harder thinking about her sleeping in the spare room. I’ve done everything that I can think of to release this tension inside of me. I barely made it through showing her around her room. I got out of there as soon as I could and went straight to my gym to try to work out the need building up inside of me.

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