Bring Him Home - Page 35

“Say you won’t leave me,” he demands. His hands go to my hips to secure me to him.

“Not sure I could if I wanted to,” I tease. He leans in, brushing his mouth against mine. I don’t pull away. I let him kiss me. I don’t kiss him back. I tell myself it’s because he hasn’t explained himself but I know it’s because I’m enjoying the feel of him. I’m savoring every moment I can at this point. I’m not sure where he is going to go with his explanation. I need to enjoy every second possible with him in case I don’t like the explanation he gives.

I decide to break the ice since he can’t seem to get the words out. I don’t know why I find that so adorable but I do. Probably because I don’t think he’s a man that’s at a loss for words often.

“Why don’t you want me here? I thought we had something.”

He takes my mouth and shoves his tongue in it, cutting off any other words from me.

“Fuck!” he barks. “Is that what you thought, baby? That I didn’t want you here? There is nothing further from the truth. I don’t want to be anywhere that you’re not.” His words shock me. “The country is where you belong, Delilah. Not in this big rough city. I was simply telling your dad that you’d be happiest going home.” He takes a deep breath, having put together what I must have heard of his phone call. “My home is wherever you are. I can’t live without you. I never knew what love was until I saw a girl standing in Times Square yesterday. I’ve been a goner ever since.” He wipes the tears that are dripping down my cheeks.

I’ve been silent this entire time, just taking in every word that his handsome mouth is saying. If Ma were here she’d be shocked I’ve kept my mouth closed for so long without giving my two cents.

“You want me?” I whisper. Wanting to hear it again. “Want me enough to leave the city?” I add. Needing to hear that too. I’ve been wanting to go home from almost the second I got here but he was here. I knew Ma was right. I wasn’t made for the city, but maybe I was made for him.

“I do more than want you, baby. I love you.” He lifts my chin to look in my eyes.

He gently places kisses along my face and jaw. I’m sure my mouth is hanging open a little in shock at his admission of love. He takes that opportunity to slide his tongue in and caress mine with his. I kiss him back because I love this man too.

I rock my hips on the hard cock that is pressing against me, delving deeper into the kiss and making Drake groan.

“I want you, Drake. All of you. I need it,” I say as I continue rubbing against him. My life feels as though it’s coming together. All these pieces sliding into place. I know now it wasn’t the city I wanted. It was him. That was the pull that I’d felt so badly.

“Tell me you forgive me, Delilah. Tell me you love me. Tell me you’re going to marry me and I’ll give you whatever you need,” he demands again.

My body stops moving immediately at his words. “Did you just ask me to marry you, Drake Weston?” I lift my eyebrow at him.

“Is that a problem for you?” Drake lifts his eyebrow to mirror my own.

“No, it’s not a problem. It’s a yes,” I reply, smiling big, giving him my dimples and all.



My heart pounds in my chest. You’d think I was on the edge of striking one of the biggest business deals of my life. No, fuck that. I’ve never had my heart pound this hard for that. This is all different. Just like my sweet, wild Delilah. She is different than anything I’ve ever known in my life.

She is soft and sweet with a side that could piss me off like I never thought possible. I’m pretty sure she does that shit on purpose but I love it. It doesn’t matter what she’s doing. She can keep on doing whatever it is. It makes me feel more alive than I ever have.

I dig my hand into her hair. It’s more wild than normal from her having been draped over my shoulder. I called in every favor I could to get my ass onto that plane as fast as possible and to get her off. Oh, we’re going back home, but we’re doing that shit together. She keeps on smiling at me so big I can’t help but do the same. How the hell did I get so lucky? I lean in, kissing that smile that now belongs to me for the rest of my life.

Tags: Ella Goode Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024