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Captured (Castile Family 1)

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“You’ll like Luna. She’s sweet and good-hearted, but not designed for the corporate world.”

“What is she designed for?”

Fucking is my immediate thought, followed by motherhood. “Being pampered by me,” is what I settle for since Grant is tired of my hetero bullshit.

“All right. When is she arriving?” He’s resigned now but I know when he meets Luna he’ll come around. Grant’s worked with me for seven years so I know he’s just feeling a little off balance at how our small world is going to change. It’ll be for the best. Grant needs a vacation but since I’m a workaholic, he hasn’t had one in years because he doesn’t believe anyone else can work as my assistant. He’s probably right.

But once I marry Luna, I’m going to be taking a lot of time off. I decide to tell him that. “When I take Luna to France for our honeymoon, you will finally be able to go on that cruise you’ve been talking about for years.”

Grant’s face brightens. “That’s a good point.” He picks up the receiver on his desk. “How soon did you say we were holding this wedding? Next weekend? If I call today, I might still be able to reserve a suite on the next Bahamas cruise.”

“It all depends on Luna and how much information she needs to send to her client. Speaking of my darling girl, here she is.”

Grant turns toward the glassed-in doors that separate my inner office from the elevator banks. Luna is struggling to balance a Styrofoam cup the size of her head, a bag that’s big enough to put Grant’s desktop computer in, and her phone.

Grant starts to get to his feet, but I wave him off. It’s my privilege to take care of Luna and no one else’s. I stride out of the office and manage to capture the cup before it tips over onto the carpet.

“Good morning, Luna.”

“MJ, I’m here. I gotta go.”

The phone slips and I catch that too.

“Thanks,” she grimaces. “MJ’s my sister. She was worried about my new job.”

“I’d be happy to send over a dossier of my background to her so she could rest assured I am a decent, upstanding citizen.”

Luna’s eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

I can see the wheels turning in her head. This dossier of mine might help her investigation. “Yes. It’s all public information, of course, but collected in one format. It also has information about my financial status and investments. It’s something I provide to potential business partners for their due diligence check.”

“Um, okay. That’d be great.”

“Come inside. I’ll have my assistant Grant get you a copy that you can provide to your sister.”

I usher Luna inside the office. Grant is there with a tray for the cup and the phone. I deposit the items. “Grant, this is Luna, our new office hire. Luna, this is Grant, who is my indispensable assistant. I would not have a quarter of my wealth today if it weren’t for Grant’s capable work.” Grant preens under the praise and he’s not too upset when I hit him with my request. “Luna needs the due diligence file. I believe her sister is worried I might harm the little one.” I cup my hand around the back of Luna’s head.

He nods because he knows I won’t budge. “Nice to meet you, Luna,” he says. “I’d shake your hand, but there’s this.” He holds up the tray.

“No, that’s fine. I mean, you don’t have to hold my stuff for me.” She lunges for it, nearly knocking Grant over.

I grab her and pull her back just in time to avoid a collision. I can see why the juggling didn’t work. Her hand-eye coordination could use some work. I hide a smile and shift my grip from her biceps down to her elbow to steer her toward my office.

“As you can see, there isn’t room out here for another desk and Grant likes his privacy, so we’re going to put you in my office.”

“Your office?” she squeaks.

“Yes. That way you can keep an eye on me.” I wink. A somewhat horrified look flashes across her expressive face. I strive to keep a blank one. “Why don’t you step inside my office and we can discuss the full extent of your duties?”



I sit on the giant sofa Maddox directed me to. Did he really say that or did I hear him wrong? So I can keep an eye on him? Is he on to me? My heart starts to pound in my chest at being caught. What that could mean. He can’t be, or he wouldn’t have given me this job, right? Who would actually hire someone they knew was being paid to watch them? Nobody in their right mind would do that. Maybe he’s crazy. Maybe I’m crazy for taking this job.

“Luna.” I jerk when I feel Maddox touch my cheek, drawing my attention back to him. I didn’t notice he’d leaned down over me on the sofa to do it. I was so lost in my own head about being caught I forgot to pay attention to what he was saying or doing. My pounding heart slows when my eyes meet his bright green ones. A feeling of calmness rolls over me. He gives me a soft warm smile that meets his eyes. Aren’t men like him supposed to be a-holes? He is always so warm and nice to me.

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