Captured (Castile Family 1) - Page 7

“What?” I question. I am going to lose this job. Two seconds in and I almost knocked over his assistant and now I’m not paying attention to whatever it is he was saying to me. I was so busy worrying about losing one job that I am about to lose another.

“I’ll get you a desk soon but will the couch work for now?” He glances toward his desk. I miss his eyes instantly. Who am I kidding? I missed him all night since we parted ways. Thank God for my nosy sister, because I got to recount the entire experience Maddox and I had. Everything from the pigeons to him offering me this job. MJ is a sucker for details. She wanted to know every little thing and I was happy to spill it all. It was like reliving the entire night with him all over again. “Or I can have a chair brought in and we can share.” His eyes come back to mine. That sounds perfect but no way would I be able to think straight if I am so close to him all of the time. I am never going to get any of my work done.

“I can wait for my desk.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. Even as I say the words they don’t sound like that’s really what I want to do. I really want to share his desk with him but I don’t want to seem like a pain on my first day. He might start to think I’m in the way.

“You don’t want to be close to me?” he teases. Oh, man, do I, but I was excited about my own desk. I’ve never had a desk job before. I might have come overprepared for it.

“I brought things for my desk,” I blurt out so I don’t tell him what I’m really thinking. I’m almost positive that climbing all over him would be frowned upon by Human Resources. Do we even have that department here? I realize I haven’t even asked that many questions pertaining to my job description. I am already breaking so many rules when it comes to my PI work. At least I think I am. Will another really hurt? Who’s going to know that I’m breaking them anyway, besides MJ?

“We can put them on mine.” His hand drops away from my cheek. “Ours,” he corrects. It’s then I see he has my bag in his hand. I don’t remember him taking it from me. I’m guessing it was when I almost face planted into his assistant. That was the second time he saved me from getting hurt.

He takes my bag over to his desk, setting it on top. I look around and see how clean and shiny everything is. The place looks professionally decorated. I don’t think my tiny pink elephant statue or glitter-framed pictures of MJ and me are going to go with the room.

I pop up from the sofa when he starts pulling stuff out of my bag. The things I brought with me are now beginning to seem silly. “It’s fine.” I grab the snow globe of Dolly Parton from his hand. I gasp when it slips from my hand but, like my cell phone, he catches it. He’s got really good reflexes.

He holds it up, shaking it before placing it on his desk with a crooked smile. “Maybe you should be watching me,” I mumble. He is assisting me more than I am assisting him. I might be more trouble than I’m worth.

I jerk back. My mom’s words are ringing in my head. I haven’t seen that woman in over a decade and there she is in my mind, ready to put me down like usual. She’d say the same words every time to me: You’re more trouble than you’re worth. They’ve always stuck with me. No matter how hard I tried with that woman I was never good enough, even at only ten years old. I’m scared now thinking how right she might have been. I am on the cusp of losing another job. I try and remind myself of MJ. She is my mom now and she is always proud of me. Whenever I have one of my crazy job ideas or career choices, MJ always supports me. She is the first one to encourage me and the last one to ever pass judgment on me.

“I’d watch you all day, every day.” Maddox leans in closer to me. I forget everything as his warm breath feathers against my lips. Then he’s there, his mouth brushing mine.

“It keeps ringing.” I jump back from Maddox to see Grant standing in the doorway. He’s wearing a shocked expression on his face. Probably the same look I’m wearing at this point. Did Maddox Castile just kiss me? I bring my fingers to my lips. Did that actually happen? He kissed me. Wait, does that count as a kiss? It was barely a brush of our mouths. I lick my lips, seeing if I can taste him.

Tags: Ella Goode Castile Family Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024