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Captured (Castile Family 1)

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“When do we taste these cakes?” She shifts gears away from the dick pic. I know she probably feels bad for practically scolding me like a teenager. I respect MJ and she’s like a mom to me so I don’t get offended when she uses that tone. I know that she always has my best interests at heart and she doesn’t want anything bad to happen. It can be hard to toe the line as best friends, sisters and her acting as a parent to me, but we make it work.

“Tomorrow.” I perk up until my email dings. I glance at my phone again.

“You don’t have to tell her anything,” MJ says as she comes over to stand next to me to look down at my email. “You could quit working with her. Keep this job.”

That sounds nice. It would also mean I failed at another career. What would happen if Maddox ever found out about how we’d come to know each other? He’d fire me too. That would hurt. Only I could get myself in a situation like this. I need to try and see this PI thing through even though I don’t feel right doing it anymore. I hate how conflicted I am about all of this.

Watching a stranger is a completely different story than watching someone that has been kind to you and seems like a genuine person. The only thing I can do is take it one day at a time but I already feel so torn and I’ve only been around Maddox for one day. What will happen as I spend more time with him? I’ll fall madly in love with him. That’s exactly what will happen or may have already happened. That’s scary to think about too. I know I’ll be the same way about love. I’ll end up being the crazy girl hiring a PI to follow him around. I get it. Maddox didn’t do much today but I enjoyed being around him. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t wish for him to try and kiss me again. A real one this time. I want to know if he tastes like those sweet coffees Grant is always bringing him.

“What’s her name again?” MJ asks, taking my phone out of my hand and looking for herself. She does the clicking with her tongue and I know her mind is racing again. I can tell from the small purse of her lips that MJ doesn’t care for the woman. She may not know who she is but MJ has a really good sense about people. I’m guessing she is getting a bad vibe from this anonymous woman client of mine. Hell, I don’t know who she is but I am starting to get curious about her reason for hiring me. More importantly, I want to know why she needs someone to watch Maddox Castile. Why does she want so much information on my Maddox? To me and even MJ he looks to be on the up and up. I can’t find a fault. Wait. I did hear him say something about not liking cream cheese. When I looked at him like he was crazy he told me that I could eat his cream cheese. That’s how he went back to being perfect again.

“Oh crap,” I whisper.

“Yeah, you got a big old crush on your boss.” MJ says, reading my mind. She’s always two steps ahead. She reminds me a little of Grant. Those two would hit it off or kill each other. Now, they could have their own reality show.

My phone dings and I smile when I see it’s a text this time. MJ places a plate of food in front of me.

Maddox: Tomorrow you’re mine again.

“Think he likes you too.” MJ nudges my shoulder.

“You seem really on board with all of this.”

“You’re smiling.” She nudges her shoulder with mine. “He’s been good for you. It didn’t start today. It’s been going on for a few weeks.”

She’s right. It has been. My own small obsession with Maddox growing every day. When did I cross the line from PI to stalker?

Maddox: I’ll bring breakfast. Extra cream cheese.

I start to text him back but he beats me to it.

Maddox: As well.

I look to MJ, who as always is being nosy. I see her give a half smile. I think she likes him but she’s not going to let me know that. Not yet at least. She’s more of a wait and watch person if she can’t get a feel of how things might shake out. I wish I had the same amount of patience as she does.

Luna: That’s really sweet.

Maddox: Only for you.

MJ pulls on my hair. “Eat. You’ll feel better after your tummy is full.” It’s her answer to everything.

I dig in to my plate, praying that for once everything doesn’t blow up in my face. How many times can a girl really mess everything up?

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