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Captured (Castile Family 1)

Page 16

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“Yes, that someone was you.” I frown as the unknown woman slams her palm on the table. “If anything happens to Luna, then someone will have to pay.”

“I’m your brother.”

“Which is why I called you in the first place.”

“For a younger brother, you can be a real bully.”

“You’re the one with the badge,” I remind him. “Does that woman look dangerous to you? She’s hitting the table fairly hard.”

“Nah, the worst she’ll do is throw a glass of water in your girl’s face.”

“I don’t like that.” I watch the black and white scene on the screen in front of me. “You’ll have to arrest the woman if she does that.”

“On what charges?”

“Harassment. Disturbance of the peace. Talking negatively to my wife.”

“You’re not married.”

“We will be soon. I think what you’re most mad about is now that I’ve found someone, you’ll be the only one left to face the wrath of our mother.”

Cullen sinks down in his seat. “Don’t remind me. I thought you’d die a bachelor. You said women were a nuisance who only wanted your money.”

“Luna is not a woman. She’s a goddess who has gone undiscovered by mere mortals.”

“Okay, fine, but since you’re a mere mortal, too, I figured you’d be single for the rest of your life. But, here you are, wifing up a girl you don’t know who is probably meeting with someone who hired her to find blackmail material on you.”

“What is there to find? I work, I eat, I sleep and I return to work again.”

“Another reason I thought you’d be single for the rest of your life. But in answer to your questions, if she knew of something to blackmail you with, she wouldn’t have to hire your stalker.”

“Future wife,” I correct. I take the coffee from my brother Cullen’s hand and indulge in a healthy swallow. The rancid, burnt brew hits my tongue like an anvil. I cough. “What in the hell are you drinking?” I shove the cup back into his hand, ignoring the smirk.

“If you make it bad, no one will drink it.” He proceeds to tip his head back and swallow the rest of the foul contents before crumpling the cup in his fist.

“Terrible. I can’t believe a Park Avenue boy like yourself would succumb to drinking burnt coffee.”

“This is two-day-old grounds, too.” He shakes the crushed cup in my face with pride.

“How many people at your precinct know that you could buy this coffee shop?”

“Uh, only the captain and that’s because Mom gave that obscene donation to the widows and orphans fund in an effort to get me promoted.”

“You did get promoted,” I point out. Luna is now trying to explain something to the other woman. It doesn’t look like her words are making an impact.

“But I had to give it back because I want to earn that shit on my own.” Cullen taps the badge clipped to his belt. “And I did and the squad respects me for it.”

I don’t respond, not that his statement needs one, because Luna is now on her feet. The other woman stands as well. Neither looks happy. It’s time to roll out.

“Let’s go.”

My hand is on the door handle when he asks, “Both of us?”

“Yes. You have the badge. You might need to arrest this other woman.”

“On what grounds?”

“Harassing my wife.”

“She’s not your wife yet.”

“She will be.”

The unknown woman storms out of the café. “I want every cent back in my account by the end of the day.”

“I can pay by next week.”

“Today!” screeches the woman, her stick-straight blond hair quivering with her anger.

Luna grimaces and apologizes for what sounds like the fourth or fifth time. “I will pay it back. Every penny, but I don’t get paid until next week.”

“How much does she owe you?” I ask.

The two women jerk upright and stare at me in surprise. I smile at Luna, drawing her to my side. “I missed you.” I give her a light kiss on her forehead.

A shriek of anger so loud and so high rings out that the birds in New Jersey are startled. I turn to the woman. “Is there a problem?”

“You’re supposed to be mine,” she screeches. “You belong to me!” One red fingertip shakes with rage as it points toward me.

“I’m sorry,” whispers Luna. “I’m so sorry about all of this.”

“Don’t be.”

“Get away from him.” The woman grabs at Luna’s arm.

I push Luna behind my back and direct a disappointed frown toward my brother. “I thought you said she wasn’t violent.”

“No. I said she’d be more likely to throw water in Luna’s face, but that was before you decided to throw gas on the fire. I’m revising my opinion.”

“How do you know my name?” Luna chirps from behind me.

“Luna, this is my brother Cullen. Cullen, my future wife.”

“Wife?” yell two women in chorus.

“Yes. We’re getting married on Saturday.”

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