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Three of Us (Three of Us 1)

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It doesn’t take us long to realize that maybe we didn’t have the right idea when it came to saving the bears. This looks more like a party than a car wash. Oh, cars are being washed, but music is blaring while girls in barely-there bikinis wash them. A line of guys watch from a row of folding chairs set to the side. Some of the comments that they are yelling out make me cringe. One of the gawkers is the same guy who gave us the flyer. Erika and I look at each other, unsure what to do. Before we can try and bolt, the guy from the day before spots us. He springs up from his chair and heads our way.

“Ladies!” he yells, walking towards us with a cocky smile, showing off his straight white teeth. I glance over and spot Hope, the girl who invited us to the party. Unlike the other girls clad in bikinis, she is dry. Instead of washing cars, she’s playing on her phone, taking videos and texting them to people.

“This isn’t about saving bears, is it?” I mutter.

Surfer Dude laughs. “I thought you were joking about that.” He points to his shirt. It has a bear on it with Greek lettering above it. All of the information finally clicks in my mind and my face heats with embarrassment. How could I not have put together? This is a frat house raising money for repairs. I mentally chastise myself for being so naïve.

But, if it’s for the frat boys, why are the girls doing all the work while the guys sit on their asses and jeer at the hard-working women? Gross.

“Got your swimsuit on under there?” He asks.

I pull my eyes away from the girls washing the cars. Before I can react, he grabs my shirt, and in one smooth, practiced movement, pulls it over my head. I jump but end up tripping on a hose which pitches me forward. Surfer boy catches me and pulls me flush against his sweaty body.

I gasp in shock. I’ve never been this close to another male before other than my twins. He saved me from falling on my face, but I think I would have rather hit the ground than touch him. I wriggle and try to push away from him, but he doesn’t release me.

“Let go,” I tell him. I push harder on his chest. I can smell beer on his breath. He only laughs at my struggle.

“Don’t be like that. Everyone knows how you like it. We witnessed the way you like things at the party last night. We saw the Snapchat video of you being manhandled and enjoying it. I can get one of my friends to join us.”

I still at his words. It’s a punch to my stomach and all the air leaves my lungs when I realize what he’s getting at.

“Or does it not have to be two guys? Just two will do?” He licks his lips. I can feel his hard-on digging into me. I want to throw up, but for some reason I’m frozen in place. “Your friend can join us.”

“She said let go!” Erika shouts. A second later, her purse comes up and it hits him in the side of the head.

“Fuck!” he bellows as he lets me go. I stumble backward. There’s no one to catch him and he falls right on his ass. The other guys, who are watching from their lawn chairs, break out into laughter.

I glance over to Hope, who has a smug look on her face. For a moment I think it’s because he got what was coming to him until she opens her mouth. “What did you think people would think when you have two boyfriends? Don’t get mad. You’re the one letting everyone know you’re a slut, even flashing that shit on your shirt.” She rolls her eyes at me. “You know what happens to slutty girls like you?”

“I don’t think we need you to enlighten us on sluts, even though we all know you wrote the instruction book personally, Hope.” Erika chimes in. “Don’t you have cars to wash?” Erika leans down, picking up my shirt and handing it to me. Finally, I move. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I’d swear Erika and I just switched bodies.

Surfer Dude stumbles to his feet. He’s more drunk than I thought and looks angry that his friends are all still laughing. Hope looks more than pissed. Her whole face is red. She narrows her eyes. She isn’t done with us. One of the guys that was laughing runs over to Surfer Dude and grabs his arm, telling him to let it go.

“Come on.” Erika slides her arm into mine and pulls me away. She takes us back towards the direction of our dorm. “You okay?” she asks after we get a little bit away.

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