The Heir the Prince Secures - Page 49

Tess stuck out her chin. “You’re the one who should never work in this business again, you horrible man!”

A gasp went through backstage, followed by a low, gleeful hiss. The designer’s eyes widened as silence fell and everyone turned to watch.

Von Schreck glared at Tess.

“And who are you?” He looked dismissively over her shimmering green gown. “You didn’t even wear Mercurio to the show. You are nobody!”

Tess felt suddenly calm.

“You’re right,” she said evenly. “I’m nobody. But I know good clothes when I see them, and the three dresses you sent us today were the ugliest clothes in history!”

“The three...” The designer’s eyes widened. “Wait. Are you—?”

“And you must know it, because why else would you force these poor girls to wear animal helmets? You should be ashamed of yourself!”

A low current of malicious laughter went through the backstage area. The designer was obviously not well liked even among his own people.

The designer’s eyes narrowed dangerously as he took a step toward her. “Shut up.”

“How dare you bully everyone!” He’d probably been cruel to his underlings, she thought, just like the poor tearful girl behind her. Imagining someone being so mean to her cousins or her daughter, Tess glared at him. “You might be famous,” she said, her back snapping straight, “but the truth is, you’re nothing but a no-talent hack!”

Von Schreck gave an enraged growl, drawing his hand back, as if to hit Tess across the face.

But his arm was caught.

“Don’t even think about it,” Stefano said coldly. He threw the man’s arm aside. “You’re fired, von Schreck.”

The designer’s face went pale. “Fired?”

“I agree with everything my wife just said.” Stefano looked at him. “Now get the hell out.”

Caspar von Schreck sucked in his breath, his cheeks red as he looked around them, at the live camera crew and the models recording the moment on their camera phones. He stiffened.

“You can’t fire me. I quit!” The designer tossed his head, causing his beard to flutter like a flag. “Mercurio doesn’t deserve my amazing talent.” Looking around, he proclaimed loudly, “Last week, Fenella Montfort offered me a job at Zacco, and I’m going to take it! That’s a real fashion house!” As his dog barked noisily in his arms, he added maliciously, “Didn’t Zacco used to be your company, Your Highness?”

Stefano took a step toward him, his dark eyes glittering. “Get out.”

“Good luck finding a designer half as genius as me!” With a final toss of his beard, Caspar von Schreck turned on his heel and left, his dog yipping back at them angrily.

Exhaling in relief, Tess smiled up at Stefano, feeling so proud of him her heart could burst. Turning to the tearstained young model behind her, she said, “Are you all right?”

Kebe nodded, her eyes big. “Thank you.” She wiped her eyes. “You had no reason to take my side.”

“I had every reason. You’re my husband’s friend.” Tess shook her head. “And no one has the right to treat people that way!”

Feeling a jacket su

ddenly covering her own bare shoulders, Tess looked up at Stefano. A strange emotion glowed in his dark eyes. He said quietly, “I’m glad you were here.”

Her heart warmed beneath his glance.

Stefano glanced at Kebe. “Your mother will be heartbroken when she hears how you were treated. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll tell her how you both rushed to my defense.” Kebe grimaced. “But first I’m going to change out of this hideous dress.”

“Prince Stefano!” The American reporter was panting in her rush to stick a microphone into his face. “There’s a rumor going around that you deliberately fired von Schreck so you could replace him with your new wife, though she has no fashion experience whatsoever... Any comment?”

Tess’s eyes went wide with shock. “No, it’s not true.”

Tags: Jennie Lucas Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024