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Season's Greetings : Christmas Box Set

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“Those are my terms.”


“Then, I’ll see you in court. Though I would ask yourself what court would choose you over me when I can hire a slew of nannies, place her in private school, and give her the best of everything? You don’t even have a house. You rent a condo.”

His words feel like nails in a coffin. I don’t even know how I’d scrape together enough to hire a lawyer.

“Think about what’s most import

ant to you.” He disconnects.

And just like that, he’s back in control of everything.

“What did he say?”

I shake my head, unable to repeat it. “I need some time, James.”

“No. Don’t let him place a wedge between us.”

“I have a lot to think about. Please.” Closing my eyes, I massage my temples.

“Okay. Shhh.” He places light kisses all over my face. “Don’t stress.” He massages my scalp, and I lean into him. “We don’t have to talk about it, but I’m not leaving you after getting news like that.”

Why does he have to be so damn perfect? Men like James don’t come around every day. He’s the kind of father I’d want for Flora. The thought of continuing this pregnancy without him literally makes me ill. But none of that matters if I lose Flora. Does the fact that I’m thinking about this make me a shit mother? Children always come first. I grip him tightly. I need one more night to say good-bye to the man who’s become my heart. Pulling away, I nip at his bottom lip.

“Make me forget, James. Just for tonight.”

“Sweetheart, I’m not sure that’s a good—”

“I’m ready. I want to be connected with you.”

He cups my face. “Faye.”

“It’s my birthday. This is what I want as my present.”

“Low blow.”

I smile up at him and poke out my bottom lip.

“Okay, that’s it.” He tickles my sides lightly, and I laugh. A night of joy and total completion before the happiness I’ve built is destroyed. I shove my baggage in the attic of my brain and fully immerse myself in the present. Kissing my forehead, he leans back. “Better?”

“With you, it always is, James.”

“You don’t have to lay it on so thick, sweetheart. You’re already getting into my pants.” He winks.

“I wish I was more mobile,” I whisper.

He nuzzles my neck. “I like it when my woman rides me.”

I climb into his lap and hook my arms around his neck, falling into the dark green gemstones he calls eyes. The adoration and desire are there for all to see. I love how open and honest he’s been with me. I run my hands through his thick hair and squeeze my thighs together as I grind against him. He grunts his appreciation and grasps my hips, rocking upward. Sparks sizzle their way up my body.

“Come here.” I bend down, and he captures my lips in a bruising kiss. We kiss, teeth clashing and lips swelling, pausing to suck in air as we make love with our mouths. I feel like my soul is about to leave my body as all the emotions I’ve developed spill over into our mouth mating. We shed our clothes, baring our bodies like we are our souls. I’m wet and throbbing as he lays on his backs, and I grip his base. Our eyes lock as his wet tip pierces my core. I slowly ease down.

“You’re so big,” I moan as he works deeper, inch by inch. Pressing my palms flat on his chest, I grip him with my thighs and lower myself farther.

“Let me in, sweetheart. Relax, and let me fill you up. That’s it.”

I gasp as he pushes as deep as he can get. I can feel him pulsing inside of me like a heartbeat. I flex, and he groans.

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