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Twist of Fate (Kings of Chaos 6)

Page 66

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The knock on the door makes my stomach ache. Ellis and Casp are throwing a party in my honor at their house. The contest officially starts tomorrow, and everyone wants to send me off well. The problem is no one knows what’s happened between Shayne and I, so we have to fake normalcy. I place a hand on my queasy stomach. The information he’s given me has weighed heavily on my mind and heart. Logically I understand the man he was then and the one he’s become are two different people. It’s a testament to his strength that he could go against his upbringing.

I can admire him for that. What I can’t do is stop thinking of him hating me for the melanin in my skin that makes me a rich brown. How can I reconcile that? What would it say about me? How can I kiss him and not wonder if I’m some sort of rebellion against his father? Am I an easy way to show how far he’s come since those days?

I’m torn in two. I want to leave his past in the years before he knew me. It’s easier said than done. I drive myself insane with thoughts of him during that time. No wonder the members of his club were shocked when I showed up. Irritated and confused, I open the door and freeze. He’s shaved off the opposite side of his head to match the right where the stitches are nearly healed. The thick center strip of his hair is pulled back into a ponytail.

He’s my equal in a pair of well-fitted black slacks and a black button down short sleeved T-shirt. I bite the inside of my cheek and rock back on my heels, unsure what to say.

“You look beautiful today.”

I peer down at the black skirt jumper. “Thank you. You clean up well.”

“Can’t embarrass my woman on her special day. I know your dad doesn’t think much of me.”

“Don’t worry, he feels the same way about me too right now. I doubt he’ll be there.” I try to sound flippant, but his silence and lack of participation hurt. Especially when I’m connected with my mother and brothers again. This entire thing opened our eyes and gave us the chance to fix things before they were damaged beyond repair.

“I think he’ll be there. Even if he doesn’t say anything. When people have the need to be in control, they can’t stay away. They have to be there to see the situation happen and speak on it.”

“I guess we’ll see.”

“I’m driving,” I say.

“I figured. Pretty sure you’ll be leaving with all kinds of gifts.” He presents me with a bag from behind his back.

“You didn’t have to do—”

His look stops me. “Just open it.”

“I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

“Let me show you how much you mean to me, Xia. I know things are still in a bad place. It doesn’t mean I can’t do nice things for my woman.”

His words penetrate the hardened shell that’s gone up between us.

I focus my mind on the black bag. The Wonder Woman tissue paper makes me laugh. Unwrapping it, I find a blush pink glass macaroon jewelry case. My heart picks up a notch. I’ve never had a man give me jewelry before. I open the case and gasp as a silver Wonder Woman cuff style bracelet is revealed. I peer up.


“Because like Wonder Woman, there’s nothing you can’t do once you put your mind to it. I want you to remember that every time you look down at your wrist.”

“This is beautiful, Shayne, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Xi. Put it on and wear it for me?”

I hesitate. “I won’t read more into it. This isn’t a gift with strings attached.”


I hand him the bag and slip it on my wrist as I admire the play of light.

“You like it?”

“Oh yeah. You did good.” But I’m not for sale.

“Let me put this on my vanity, and we’ll leave. I don’t want to be late to my own party.”

“Well, it’s not like they can start without you,” he calls after me as he steps inside. It’s easy to forget the lies he told. We fit well. No man I’ve ever dated has treated me this good. I have no problem admitting that. He’s such a good liar, how can I trust this is truly him? I’m not stupid. I know the kind of things outlaw bikers get into. It’s not all working on cars and having a familial bond with your brothers. Depending on the type of club they could be neck deep in all kinds of illegal things.

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